Chapter 12: Convergence

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"-and then my father actually ATE the slug! Isn't that gross?"

Sundrop and Whirlpool nearly fell to the stones with laughter. Their wings bobbled and their maws opened with amusement. Oakwind snickered to himself, pleased with his story. The two young dragonesses caught their breath and settled back against the ground.

The Hole was a lot less frightening when good tales were being told. Even the rank smells and the disgustingly hot air seemed null. Sundrop had tuned out the tight chasm and the toothy stalactites above. The three dragonlings had been sharing stories for hours on end, bonding in a place where joy seemed nearly impossible. 

"I can't believe it!" Sundrop giggled. "Did he yarp it up afterwards?"

Oakwind laughed. "Nope! He kept it down and said it tasted good!"

Sundrop and Whirlpool chuckled and bumped wings.

"That's gross! The reefs have similar creatures, but they're a lot more colorful. My birth mother would often call them tiny dragons," Whirlpool churred, sounding more watery than usual. Sundrop figured it was because the WaterClaw desperately missed the ocean.

"We don't have anything like that in the mountains," Sundrop chipped in. "But when me and Flametooth went exploring before we were snatched, I saw this really weird looking fish with puffy lips!"

Whirlpool and Oakwind both sneered, looking utterly disgusted. The EarthClaw's massive ears flattened against his small brown head.

"Creatures with lips are repulsive!" Whirlpool chuckled.

Sundrop grinned, a sudden pang of affection overtaking her. The WaterClaw felt the same way towards animals that had lips, despite the pair growing up in different cultures.  

"I think so too," Sundrop laughed. "I wish I was home. Even that fish seems nice compared to this place."

The three of them looked around at their dingy surroundings and fell silent. Sundrop's heart sank further into her chest. She wasn't home. She couldn't smell the fresh mountain air or taste the rich scents of a dew-filled morning. She no longer felt dirt beneath her paws. The only things she could detect were the rough stones against her talons and the flesh-rotting smell within the chasm.

"You know," Sundrop mumbled, disheartened, "I was almost ready to start flying. My mama even sent Flametooth and I to school. I was barely a Beginner before we were captured."

Whirlpool and Oakwind glanced at each other with confusion. Sundrop watched their faces, expecting them to catch on. Didn't they have lessons in their kingdoms? 

"What do you mean?" Whirlpool asked, her ice-white eyes blinking softly. "What's a Beginner?"

Oakwind perked his huge ears and scratched a claw against his scales. He seemed lost in thought for a moment, trying to unravel this new information. The sail on his neck drooped to one side.

Sundrop was astounded. She shot looks of surprise at both of them, adjusting her wings against her sides. Her ruff stiffened curiously.

"Well," the FireClaw started, "in my kingdom, once they're old enough, dragonlings go to school. First, they're classified as Beginners. Beginners can't take flying lessons yet, so their teacher gets them to study historic scrolls first. After that, they take a written test. If they pass, they can advance to Claw status. That's where they learn to fly. If their teacher sees that they're a good flyer, they advance to the final status; a Talon. That's where dragonlings study their new positions at the Ember Palace."

Whirlpool and Oakwind still seemed baffled. The WaterClaw's gills were pulsating rapidly. Sundrop could almost see her brain churning.

"That's a little weird," Oakwind began, scratching a talon against his neck, "needing to take classes to learn how to fly."

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