Isabella walked to her wardrobe and grabbed out a pair of black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt, A pair of ankle boots. She really needed new converses.
She added some gold coloured jewellery to give her outfit more spice, and proceeded to putting her hair up in a professional bun, she put on some eyeshadow and eyeliner and mascara and some foundation and grabbed her phone and keys and chucked them in a bag.

It took ten minutes to get to the guys apartment by walking, she doesn't own a car you see. Checking the time she realised she would be late if she didn't leave soon. Isabella started walking until she spotted a familiar van driving down her road.

"Hey, we thought you might want a ride?" Dan asked more than stated.

"I could've walked guys!" she laughed and climbed in the van.

"Welcome to the bastille cab, it will be a free ride today young lady, and may I say you're looking very fetch this evening." Kyle spoke in a posh accent.

"Kyle! stop trying to make fetch happen." she spoke in a annoying high pitched American accent.

"So who have you guys invited?" she asked the question that was on the top of her head.

The boys shook their heads.

"Well can I at least know how many people are gonna be there?" she asked in a semi-annoyed tone.

"Around 10 probably" Dan spoke making every word sound mesmerising.

"Hey we're here y'all." Kyle failed at an American country western accent.

Dan and Isabella chuckled as Dan opened the door for Isabella.

"M'lady." he spoke and her heart rate quickened as he said that one simple word.

"Why thank you kind sir." she said a slight blush creeping on her cheeks.

They were five minutes early for the party so Kyle decided he'd do a quick tour.


"And her we have the bathroom for all you restroom needs." he said in a posh accent.

Suddenly they heard a knock at the door. They all sprinted towards the door.

"Hello Kyle! Hey Dan! How have you been?" a young blonde spoke. she was Gorgeous to say the least.

"Yea, hey Hannah. Not too bad actually, How are you?" Dan asks politely.

"Not to bad myself, and who's this beautiful you lady? Dan did you get a girl finally?" The blond asks, making Isabella glow a brilliant red.

"Umm, no we literally only met her yesterday!" Dan rushes in.

"Hey why don't you come on in Hannah you must be freezing." Kyle spoke trying to relieve the awkward tension.

As they let Hannah in Isabella couldn't help but notice how much she looked like her late sister and it just so happened they shared a name.

"Is, do you think that's a good idea?" dan asks breaking her from her thoughts.

"Uhh, I um, what was the question?" She managed to squeak out. She hated when she zoned out.

She noticed more people had arrived, how long had she zoned out for?

"Do you wanna come get snacks with me? Kyle forgot to tell you about the sleepover part so we can stop over and get your stuff" Dan answered the words rolling off his tongue.

"Yea sure." she smiled at least he didn't get angry like max would when she would zone out. He would hit her and tell her all the horrible things that he thought of her, she didn't leave because he had been there to help her when she needed him.

The drive to the supermarket was silent until Dan decided to asks questions.

"20 questions? I don't really know anything about you." He smiled his amazing smile making her feel giddy.

"Yea sure you start." she smiled back.

"Umm okay, favourite colour?"


"Favourite food?"



She decided to come right out and say it.

"They're all dead but mother Anne, father Rodger and sister called Hannah." she smiled weakly as memories of her and Hannah playing with their mother and father at the park before things got bad.

"My sister took her own life, my father was murdered and my mother died from breast cancer, you were wondering how they died, I could tell." she tried to fight back tears, but couldn't, they began racing down her cheeks.

Dan pulled over. He grabbed the sobbing Isabella and wrapping his warm strong arms around her thin build.

"Sshh. you're okay, you're so strong, so strong, sshh." he mumbled into her ear soothingly.

"Come on you've probably kept if bottled up for years, talk to me." he whispered.

She shook her head.

"I can't, you'll hate me and leave, you'll call me a slut you'll give me pity because I can already see it in your eyes Dan, I've had enough pity! First my mother then my sister and when my father died I ran I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders, only to have it shoved back on when I met max. He was so sweet and kind but he would beat me if I said or did something wrong. I was so scared, And now he's back he's going to kill me Dan. I'm scared." Fear was present in her voice.

Dan was processing everything she had just said, he didn't realise how bad she'd had it, he knew deep down there was something she won't tell him but he'll just have to wait.

"Listen Is, I've known you for what three days? And I truly care about you. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever call you any of those things! you are so strong and amazing and I'm going to protect you from him no matter what." Dan exclaimed

"Do you promise?" Isabella question in a quiet voice.

"Promise, with all my heart." he answered with a smile.


YAY chapter 2
I'm sorry if there's any errors ;)
I Got two votes this is amazing thank you very much here have a sheep, next chapter hopefully tomorrow :)

Thanks again -A x


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