What now?!

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Chloe's POV

Beca and Stacie are seriously drunk and just passed out after that incident. Aubrey and I agreed to take them both to their rooms. I carried Beca in my back from where she rested her head on my shoulder. I just smiled at how she slept soundly. After I reached the room of Beca I open it and slowly place Beca on her bed. I took off her shoes and placed it on the corner. Her shirt is full of blood stains so I hesitantly took off her shirt and left her with her bra. 'Wow she has a beautiful body', Stop thinking about that Chloe! I got her pjamas and got her dressed. I was about to go back to Stacie's room when Beca grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her. Because of the force she gave, I tripped over and landed onto Beca's body. I was shocked at what is happening I quickly pulled myself and stand up.

"Don't go Chloe", Beca mumbles but enough for me to understand "Please stay with me Chloe", her eyes still shut and her hands is holding my wrist, I smiled at her and laid down with her. I fell asleep looking at her beautiful face.


I woke up the next morning with Beca's lovely voice singing with her guitar on the corner. I pretended I was asleep so she won't stop. And she started humming with the tune of her guitar.

Oh her eyes, her eyes

Make the stars look like their not shinin'

Her hair, her hair

Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful and I'll tell her everyday

I know I know

When I compliment her she won't believe me

It's so It's so sad to think that she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me too, I look okay

I say, When I see your face

It's not a thing that I would change

Cause you're amazing, Just the way you are

When I see your face

It's not a thing that I would change

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