Chapter 9: Frost

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I don't remember much of what happened after Logan had fallen asleep. I know I remember turning off the TV. Maybe I had thought it was a good idea to lay my head down, still afraid to go back to my room. The morning light was never a sweet awakening for me, the bright ray crawled up the bed, then found its way to my eyes like it always did. There was a groan that had woken me up enough to know I wasn't in my room. Or, what I had thought was my room. Coming to, I rolled over. Blankets shifted, I smelled an unfamiliar scent in the bed, and I found that my hand lay on flesh and blood, a beating heart in someone's chest. Raising and falling with each breath. I opened my eyes to see the man who'd let me stay the night in his room, still peacefully and serenely resting. I pulled my hand away. Rustling out of the covers and falling onto the floor with a thud. While I picked myself back up, my eyes never leave him, why did I find him so intriguing when he's not only asleep but after he was so uninterested and even coarse. He had been nothing but gruff and bothered by my presence. Yet I stood and just watched him from far off, wanting to know what he was thinking underneath those shut eyes. What he was dreaming, what he felt, what he wanted.

Once I had decided it was time to leave, he moved. His hand searching the bed for something. He must have been waking from a dream, he stopped then his eyes opened, squinting. His gaze running over the waves of sheets, elbow moving to prop himself up. Inhaling sharply like he was gasping, he ran his hand over his face, then his sight fell on me as I had been on my way out of the room. His eyes boring into the back of my skull, the same type of stare I had received last night when I asked to stay with him for a while. "We didn't..." He paused, motioning with his hand to the bed before running his palm over his face again. "No, I just fell asleep," I confirmed. He gave a slight nod, then removed the covers from himself. "Thank you for letting me stay." With a thin line formed where his lips are, I could swear he gave an uneasy smile. "Don't mention it." He waved me off as he stood up. I walked over to the door and that was the end of that.


The trial was tense, the man himself, Erik Lenserr came to the stand, we had been ordered to leave all metal objects outside of the building when handling a man with such power. I sat uneasily staring into the man's aged and well-defined face. Logan stood outside the room, listening to the courts' convictions and debate on a fitting sentence for the mutant extremist. When the court was out for recess Logan had waited up for the team. He stood at the back as if he was a secret serviceman. "I picked up a scent." He told me in a hushed tone. "I'm sure this place is rife with them." I joked, gesturing to the full building, bodies walking all around. "Quit being a smartass. This one's familiar, and not in a friendly way." Looking over my shoulder back at him, I gave him a confused and slightly annoyed expression. "And you're telling me why? I'm sure Scott would be the better option." He gripped my arm and pulled me into a corridor, pushing my back against the marble, the cold seeping through my shirt. "It's Scott." His eyes flicking back and forth making sure I wasn't about to scream or if I was in league with whatever he thought was going on. "Oh, and Emma Frost is Storm?" I scoffed, seeing how he'd take my cynical nature. "This isn't funny Red." He pushed himself off the wall and put his hands in his pockets, leaning to the side to watch the team leave the building. "I'm serious. I got a bad feeling." While his face was still hardened and firm, the softness in his eyes came through telling me he was indeed serious, and he wanted nothing other than for someone to believe him. I didn't understand why it was me he so adamant about making it clear that he was serious. "Okay, then what do you think is going on?" Crossing my arms he stood straight, his chest being broad and giving off the intense air of confidence. "Mystique is here. Emma is in league with Magneto. That cover what I think is going on?" His eyes narrowed, mirroring my actions of folding his arms across his chest. "So, where do we start?" I asked noticing the shadows of people walking by the corridor. "Frost." I nodded. "Good enough for me."


"And what is your plan for the mutants registration act Ms. Frost?" The reporter asked. Emma rolled her shoulders back and ran a couple of fingers through her platinum hair. "I plan to fight it naturally, as the secretary of mutant affairs, this will not stand. I hope to come to an understanding with the president, show him that not all mutants are monsters like the one that sits in court today." She paused looking at the sea of microphones in front of her. "That is all for now, thank you." She bowed her head and turned. "Imbeciles." Rolling her eyes Emma gave a wayward glance to the wall beside her, which held the achievements of the administration's cabinet. Emma's position being one of the chief decisions of this presidency. She adjusted her jacket and walked while her heels clicked on the marble floor, echoing as she made way to her car to watch the trial of her old friend Erik Lensser.

(Under heavy rewriting) The Wolf and The Wolverine Book One (Completed ✔️)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt