Chapter7 7 kin

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~~ Flashback ~~



"Do you have magic?"

"Yes I do"

"Really, cool what type"

"Love sweetie, Love is the greatest and most powerful magic there is"


"Yep love"

~~ Reality ~~

"Love" I whispered as I fought a giant Perverted guy with really tough hair that he called bristle. "Hey pay attention to me so I can beat you" he said eyeing me up and down. "I will have you know that I am immune to all magic except for one" I said handing him a piece of my h/l h/c hair. He added it to his doll and started moving it around but I didn't budge. "How are you doing that" he asked. I got board so I punched him in the stomach and sent him flying. " That's what you get" I yelled.

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