Chater 17: Sorceress Thaegan

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She crackled and laughed, then smiled with glee.
" Sorceress Theagan?!" exclaimed Lief. Her glare fixated on him, as she chanted a spell under her breath. She waved her hand out. A beam of light followed and exploded on impact. Soldeen breathed heavily as it struck him. Lief stumbled and lost grip of the ruby, its presence lost into the murky waters. He collided into the water with a big splash, coming up only to see himself faced with Sorceress Thaegan.
" Foolish little boy," said the sorceress." It was by shear chance that you managed to set my slave bird free. Did you really think it that it would be easy this time? But what's even worse it what you did to my little children, Jin and Jod. You have angered me child." She chanted another spell and sent Lief flying backwards. She looked back at Soldeen and smirked.
" Let that be a lesson, Soldeen. You will be my slave forever." Barda and Jasmine ran up to Lief, helping him to his feet.
" Hey, you alright?" asked May, walking up to them. Lief nodded.
" I'm alright." Thaegan laughed.
" You're all so pathetic. Now you are where you belong, at my feet and crawling in the mud," she exclaimed. Barda got up and ran towards Thaegan, sword in hand. He let out a battle cry, when he stopped in mid-air, his body frozen as he struggled against the force. Thaegan smiled.
" Aww, isnt somebody getting a bit too stressed?" She mused in a playful manner, with a nudge Barda flew through the air. Kree flew above and crowed very loudly.
" Well look at that, a tasty raven decided to join the fun. I'll be sure to keep you around for dinner."
" My friend's not on the menu!" yelled Jasmine as she sprang forward, only to pushed back. Thaegan chuckled, evilly.
" Is this funny to you?" asked May with a menacing look. Thaegan looked at her with growl.
" What was that, little girl?" May walked forward.
" How could torment people like this and call this fun?"
" You've got some nerve to talk to me like that," she growled." Let's see if you can talk after I curse you!" Thaegan started chanting a spell when Lief sprang in front of May and there was a puff of smoke. The smoke disappeared slowly, revealing Lief and May on the floor, coughing, but covered beneath Lief's cloak. May's cheeks tinted red, as she mumbled to herself. " A magic cloak? That's a fancy toy for a little boy."
Jasmine ran up to the two of them.
" Are you guys alright?" Lief nodded.
" Yeah. But I've got it. I've finally found a way to defeat Thaegan, thanks to your help."
" My h-help?" stuttered May.
" Yeah. Every time Thaegan casts a spell she has to drop her magic shield. That's our only chance to get at her."
"What do we say, we put an end to this right now?" asked Thaegan, raising her hand again. A soft tone was played and Thaegan looked at the ralad man.
" Oh look, a little ralad man. What do you hope to achieve by playing that pathetic melody?"
" First of all, I'm gonna get her attention, then Jasmine throw your knife-"
" Hey, stop it!" yelled Thaegan in frustration." I'll curse you to never play that flute again."
" What about me?" May looked at him with intent. Lief smiled.
" You come with me. Now, let's move out!" They all nodded and ran forward.
" Thaegan!"
" Over here, you sadistic maniac!" cried May, cupping her mouth. Thaegan twitched, then started casting a spell. Lief looked at Jasmine, giving her the signal and she threw her dagger, pasting through the barrier. The spell blasted both May and Lief backwards. Jasmine called out to them, then looked at Thaegean. She held Jamsine's dagger in her hand in anger and then crushed it with her bare hands. She looked up with an enraged expression.
" Oh, that's it. The fun and games are over. You will all turn into hideous creatures. Take your last breath of fresh air, because after this you'll wiggle and squirm in the mud forever!" She got ready to chant a curse, when a blur of black flashed by. She stopped and her spell disappeared into mid-air. Frozen on the spot, she looked up to see Kree squawked loudly as he flew up above. Everyone with the intense, as a drop of blood dropped on the floor. Thaegan widen her eyes.
" This can't be! No! It's impossible! Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggghh!" Thaegan twisted and turned until her body transformed into a withering tree. A huge wave of water sprung up taking all in its path, the four hurried to higher land.

It was at the break of sunrise, the companions looked down at the lake of tears all dried up. May saw the most astonishing thing she had ever seen before her eyes; Soldeen transformed to his original form and the weeping stone broke away to reveal a beautiful woman inside, holding the ruby in her hands. The man, that used to be Soldeen, cried while holding the woman's hands with glee. The lake transforming everyone into people, uniting families with the luscious green grass at their feet. The four watch the transformation from above with awe.
" The people of D'or have come back to life," said Lief in amazement.
" I feel like I'm in some sort of dream," replied Barda.
" But it's real." They all turned around to face Manus, smiling." If not, then it seems that we all dreaming the same dream." May stood up.
" Manus, you can speak!"
" Yes. With Thaegan gone, all her spells have been undone."
" This is great!" smiled Lief. Jasmine laughed with joy.
" The people of Raladin, the people of D'or and everyone else around here thank you, especially for what the amazing bird of yours did." Kree landed on Jasmine's arm and did a striking pose, May and Jasmine laughed. They headed down to the grassy plains where the Lake of Tears once stood. They stood before the man, that used to be Soldeen.
" My name is Nainon and this wife, Athena." The elegant woman with long, black hair besides him, smiled.
" We are the chiefs of the D'or's tribe. Thanks to what you've done, we are now free from the curse of that Sorceress." Athena stepped forwards and opened her palms to reveal the ruby." I believe you are looking of this." And she gave the ruby to Lief.
" We really are very thankful. For a hundred years, we have lived a life worse than death. Thanks to you, we are once again our true selves." Lief looked over to Barda and Barda gave a slight nod. Lief then took the belt he had upon his waist and spread it across his hands. Nanion gasped in shock.
" The belt of Deltora!" May fidgeted, when she stared at the belt and its wonder.
" What is it doing so far from Del? No... It's best if you don't answer that. I know your intentions are good. But where are the seven gems? I only see one on the belt," asked Nanion. Lief smiled.
" Actually, thanks to you we now have two." Lief placed the ruby on the one of the belt's medallions and May saw the belt shimmer for a moment. Athena placed her hand on her face with a worried look.
" That could only mean that it happened. We were hoping that it wasn't true. Before she sent us into the darkness, Thaegan told us one thing. 'The Shadow Lord has come', she said 'and he rules all the lands. Deltora is lost forever!' "
" No, don't say that." said Jasmine." Nothing is lost forever. We must never lose hope." May agreed." Just like D'or the rest of the kingdom will be free too." Nanion smiled.
" I think you are absolutely right. As long as here's people with courage, we can not give up hope. Justice will prevail." A soft, beautiful melody throughout area and May closed her eyes as it slowly soothed her.
" What's that?" asked Lief. Athena smiled.
" The bells of hope thanking us." They listened to lovely music with smiles on their faces, winds blew from all over the place and it never felt so peaceful.

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