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Amanda's P.O.V
Did I really just say no?
I have loved this boy since 7th grade, I just don't want to push him away and hurt him. But I probably just hurt him even more! Tears came down even more.
It was Finn's voice. His voice.
I ran he grabbed my arm and spent me around and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't pull away. True Love!
Hopefully he isn't mad at me!
"Why did you say no?" He asked.
I cried even more.
"Here, follow me!" I choked out!
We went to our city park really close to Frozen Marble, it was almost dark outside. We sat on a bench.
"Listen, Finn, I pushed away my parents, friends, almost Jess, and I can't bare pushing you away. I will hurt you more than me saying no!" I confessed.
"My heart hurts but you could push me away all you want but I will always come back to you. Human yo-yo!" He said. His smile made my heart melt!
He smiled because he knew he got me there! I knew it too and smiled because it never fails.
"I love you and like you said our trust won't rust!" I replied.
He got back on one knee, and simply said, "Human yo-yo, and I love you too!"
I started crying again!
"Amanda Lockhart, will you Mary me?" He asked again!
"YES!" I squealed!
It was a simple ring with Mickey mouses all around. With a simple Mickey shaped diamond. Disney has been a BIG part of our lives and what brought us together. I have always loved simple. He slid it on my ring finger.We kissed then we heard cheering and the broke apart and turn around. He wiped the tears off my face.
It was the Keepers! My friends, family!

Together Again! Kingdom Keepers FanFicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin