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Dear Michael,

I miss you, I know it's only been like, a week, but I miss you. It's not the same here without you, I'd text you but you changed your number, you all did.

I miss your laugh a lot. I keep coming up with ridiculous jokes but I have no one to share them with. You would be the only one to get them, my dad would think I'm crazy. That's one of the millions of reasons I need you here.

I've started to become sad again and you promised that wouldn't happen, ever again. Look at that, another lie. Like you saying you wouldn't leave me, but look where you are, traveling the fucking world while I'm stuck here, crying my eyes out missing you for doing something you love so much.

It's selfish of me to miss you, because you were never mine but sometimes it always felt like you were.

I just need you to come home soon. I know things will never be normal again, but I'm fucking hoping you still care about me. I need you here, please Michael, write back soon, please.

Love, Dani

Letters To MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now