Suddenly, he was on top of me. His tongue played with my lips, and I opened my mouth wider, our tongues gliding together. I moved my fingers up through his hair, feeling his soft curls wrap around my fingers. His hands ran down my stomach, running underneath my shirt. He traced circles into my skin, and goosebumps appeared wherever he touched me.

The daydream stopped just as soon as it had begun. I opened my eyes and shot up, looking around. I was no longer in my room in Germany, and Raphael and I were no longer alone. Lizzie and Raphael sat beside me. Lizzie looked at me nervously, but Raphael looked at me as if he had seen exactly what I had daydreamed about. It made me blush as hard as I had when he kissed me.

Lizzie threw her arms around me, making me look away from Raphael. I hugged her back, my arms squeezing her as close to me as possible.

"I thought you were going to die!" She exclaimed.

I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. "I wouldn't let something as silly as a demon take me away from you."

She pulled away then, fear in her eyes. "That's what those... things were? Demons?"

I nodded.

"What doesn't exist in this world?" She wondered.

"We have a saying." I told her. "'All the legends are true'".

"So angels exist?" She wondered, disbelieving. "Because if there's demons, then there has to be angels, right?"

I tried not to laugh. "Shadowhunters are part angel."

"What about unicorns?" She asked hopefully.

"Those are animals of the Seelie Court." I answered.

"Seelie?" She repeated. "As in, fairies?"

I nodded.

"Are they evil?"

"Not the Seelie Court." I told her. "They may be tricksters, but they're good. The Unseelie Court is bad."

She opened her mouth, but I stopped her, knowing if I didn't that we could be here all night.

"I'll answer all of your questions later." I promised. "But we all need some rest right now."

She looked disappointed, but nodded and didn't argue.

I stood up and saw Alec and Jace a few feet away. Alec was carefully applying a healing rune to his parabatai. Something on his weapons belt caught my eye, something that hadn't been there earlier. It shined in the moonlight, and I could faintly tell that it was a dagger made of gold.

"What is that?" I asked Alec when they walked over to us.

He looked down at his weapons belt and pulled out the dagger. "I don't know. I found it on the boat."

"The demon thing that attacked me," Lizzie spoke up, "it was holding onto that."

I looked back at her, wondering if she had been hallucinating. "Demons don't normally carry weapons with them."

"It was holding the dagger in it's mouth, though." She told me. "But as soon as it saw me, it dropped the dagger."

I glanced at Alec, then back at her.

She put her hands up, surrendering. "I'm innocent."

"We're not mad at you, Lizzie." I told her. "We just need to know what's going on."

"Don't look at me." She told us. "I'm as confused as all of you."

"We can look into it tomorrow." Raphael said behind me. "All of you look like you're about the keel over."

I tensed up at the sound of his voice, trying not to think about his lips on mine.

Something out of the corner of my eye blinded me, reflecting the moonlight on its surface. I turned to see a jewel on the hilt of the golden dagger.

"Opal." I murmured.

"What?" Alec asked, confused.

I pointed to the dagger. "That jewel is an opal. It's my birthstone."

"Have you seen this dagger before?" Jace spoke up.

I glanced at him, shaking my head. "Not before tonight."

There was a long silence, and I saw Alec and Jace exchange a look.

"Raphael's right." I finally said. "We need to get some rest."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Lizzie asked next to me.

I looked down at her, and suddenly I was filled with dread at the idea of telling her that she would never be able to sleep in my bed again, at least not as long as I stayed in an institute.

"You can stay with me." Raphael offered.

Her eyes widened. "No offense, but I haven't met you before tonight. You could be a murderer or something."

"I did save your life, you know." Raphael argued, but his heart wasn't in it.

"It's okay." I told him. "I know where she can stay."

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