Chapter 2- out and about

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       "Bill, where did you say the mystery shack was from here?" Regina said flying over the forest canopy. Bill hovered next to her. "A few yards north, it's not too far away. Although you'll need to go in first, just to be safe." Everyone knew Bill was magically locked out unless someone went in before him and held the forcefield open for him. Regina sighed and sped up to divebomb like a falcon to get to the shack. Once landed, she tucked her wings back in and put her favorite long Yellow jacket on to cover her wings. She rang the ancient doorbell and an older man with six fingers and a trench coat answered it. "Hello, my name is Regina Caliveras and I'm new around here. I live a little ways down the road. I wanted come introduce myself." She smiled to him like Bill instructed. "Well it's good to meet you, Regina. I'm Stanford Pines."

"The pleasure is all mine. So I heard that this town has multiple anomalies, you included. Mind if I see?" She asked Stanford. He hesitated for a second, but he showed her anyway. "Actually I've met multiple people with six fingers, but I have something that is mostly only seen in mythology." She implied to him. "Knowing Gravity Falls, that's not unusual to hear. Since I showed you, mind if I see yours?" He asked her with one eyebrow raised. "Seems like a fair trade to me." Regina took off her jacket and tied it around her waist, with her journal replica falling out of the pocket, and she opened her wings for Stanford to see. He just stared at her with shock. A younger boy with a Pinetree hat came outside "great uncle Ford what's going on-" he paused and looked at Regina. "What the- ANGEL!!" He fainted where he stood. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's Dipper." Regina closed her wings, picked up her book and put her jacket back on. "It is, he's paranoid like that. You're not an angel are you?" Stanford asked her. "I'd rather not answer that." She shrugged and looked behind her. "Oh Stanford, this is my cousin, Bill" Bill walked up behind her with his blue contacts in again and normal clothes on. "Sup?"

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