Chapter 15

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I knew laney was watching us walk to the car. she had been asking me a lot of questions about me and zim.
Se had been asking me things like "why have y'all two been spending so much time together" or "do you like zim"
I wouldn't give her a straight answer I would just change the subject but I know she wouldn't drop it.
"Babe are you ok?" zim asked standing by the car
"Oh um yea I was just thinking" I opened the door and sat down
"Are you ready for tonight?" he asked starting up the car making me jump at little.
"Yea I just wonder what they are going to say. So where are we really going cause I know we are not going to a movie?"
"I don't know I kinda wanted to go to a movie that everyone has already seen so that no one will be in there"
"Oh really and why is that."
"So that we can make out in the back while the movie plays"
"I like that idea but I don't think the other few people that will be in there will"
"Forget Them it's your special day." he winked at me
We got to the mall after about 10 minutes of zim sitting at a table trying to find out which movie no one was going to see he finally picked one.
"Come on let's go" he said pulling me from the table
"I'm coming" he was still pulling me after he gave the guy the tickets
He guy gave zim a weird look then winked at me making zim jealous.
"Come on Clara" he pulled me faster
"Aww my poor baby is jealous"
"I'm not jealous you want to know why"
"Because I got to hit that" he said pointing his finger up and down at my body
I slapped his arm and he started to laugh
"Just go inside" I pushed him into the movie
It had already started so it was dark inside
"Lets sit at the top" he whispered
No one was up there the only people that were in here was at the bottom.
Right when we sat down zim pushed the arm rest up and pulled me right next to him.
"Wow you just couldn't wait" I whispered
"Nope" he started to kiss me I kissed him back. he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I let him I could never say no.
After 5 minutes of making out I remember zim had lip stick on.
I broke the kiss so I could talk
"Babe I'm going to have to get your lipstick off my lips."
"It can wait" he started to kiss me again
"Babe stop someone is coming up here" as I said that some random dude. Sat about 5 seats down from us
"Fine why don't we blow off the movie and go to a Hotel for the rest if the time" he whispered
"Ok I just need to get your lipstick off of me"
We walked out the movie and I went to the rest room. I went up to the mirror and started to get zims lipstick off of me
"Whoa someone has been making out with another girl" said some girl that had came in
"Oh um no I just smeared mine really badly" I finished getting it off and walked out
"Hey you ready" zim said standing up from the bench he had went and fixed his make up
"Yea lets go"
We walked out to the car then drove to the nearest hotel or well it was a motel we didn't want anybody to notice zimzum the guitarist from Marilyn Manson going into a Hotel with Marilyn's daughter.
"Umm can I have a room with two beds" zim said to the guy
"How long do you plan on staying" the guy asked
"Only a few hours we just need some sleep"
"Room 124"
"Thank you sir"
We walked to the room as soon as zim opened the door he pulled me in and shut it.
"You really can't wait can you"
"I have been holding it in for like 3 days now" with that he started to kiss me again I put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. he picked me up without breaking the kiss and laid me on the bed. he began to kiss my neck making me moan.
"I love you so much Clara" he said between kisses
"I love you to" I rolled him over to where I was on top of him. I kissed his neck up to his jawline then finally went to his mouth.
"Oh god Clara" he said as I started to kiss his neck again I could feel the huge budge in his pants. it didn't help that he was wearing skinny jeans that just made it show more. We both jumped when my phone went off.
"Don't answer it baby" he said
"I have to its my dad"
I hopped off of him and answered my phone.
"Hello" I said
"Hey baby where are you and zim at" dad asked
"The movie just ended"
"Oh ok what time do y'all think you will be home?"
I looked at zim
"About a hour"
"Oh ok see you then"
I hung up the phone
"Only a hour come on" zim whined
"We only live about 15 minutes from here" I said pushing him back down on the bed.
"Oh yea" he rolled me over to where he was on top this time.
"You tease me to much" he said
I just laughed then started to kiss him again. he only broke the kiss to take our clothes off.
After a wonder 35 minutes of having sex and making out we had to stop.
"Why does this wonderful time have to end again" zim asked in a whining voice
"Because we have to get ready I'm not going home smelling like sex and sweat"
I hopped in the shower I knew zim was in the bathroom cause he kept trying to scare me by flicking the lights on and off. the first time it got me cause I didn't know he was in there.
"Stop it zim I'm going to slap you"
"Fine" I heard the door close I hopped out of the shower did my hair and makeup right quick. I always had a brush in my bag. When k was done zim walked in did his fixed his make up.
"Hey zim you know what we should do with the rest of our time"
"What?" he asked finishing his make up
"You should take me to get my hair done I want a new hair style I have had this one for a while."
My hair was just long and black I wanted to cut it short.
"Ok sounds good I need to get my hair touched up anyways lets go"
We checked out of the room and went to this big hair place not to far from the house.
"I get my hair done here all the time"
"Hello Mr.zum who is this lovely lady" the girl at the counter said
"Hello kassie this is Marilyn's daughter Clara she wants to change her hair style and I need a touch up" he said
"Ok then Ms.warner Mr.zum follow me" she walked off to the far back
"The stylist will be right with you two" she walked off me and zim sat down.
"Long time no see zim and who is this" said some guy coming out of the back room
"Hey Mario this is Marilyn's daughter she wants a new hair style and I knew you would the perfect one for the job"
"Ok then lets get started what do you want sweetheart" he asked walking up behind me
"I want to cut it short"
"Ok how short"
"Shoulder would be fine"
"Ok I will be right back"
Me and zim sat there talking until Mario can back with red hair dye with was for zim then some lady behind him with a bunch of cutting stuff
"Ok people I'm back Lisa the cutting stuff goes by Ms.Clara" she put the stuff by me then left
"Ok Clara just let me put this in zims hair then we will get started"
He put the dye in zims hair then he started to cut mine. zim took my phone and took a picture of Mario cutting my hair. I knew he was sending it to dad and them.
After Mario finished cutting my hair he washed the stuff out of zims and we went back up front.
Zim paid the people and we left
"Can I have my phone back now zim" I asked as we got back into the car
"Oh yea here" he handed it back and started up the car
I looked at my phone everyone had replying back to the photo zim sent them.
We finally got back to the house I couldn't wait to tell everybody bout me and zim dating.

We walked up to the door as soon as I walked in the door I was locked in a hug.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" blade yelled

Crap blade

Ok so I can't remember If it was blade or blaze so I'm just going with blade for now.
Blade was Clara's friend from school for the ones who don't remember.
I suck at spelling so if anything is spelled wrong sorry

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