Chapter Three.

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I opened my eyes slowly, still looking into the mirror as I saw him. Stephen Jerzak, my ex-boyfriend. Who is now dating my so-called best friend, Rose.

I was just about to scream and tell him to get out..but something stopped me. It was his voice, it sounded as if he was...hurt. I closed my eyes tightly, fighting my tears back as I didn’t want them to flow in front of him.

“Veronica baby…” he said as I heard the door close, and I knew instantly he had walked into the girls bathroom even though my eyes were still closed. Instead of screaming at him, I replied back calmly.

“Don’t call me that.” I whispered as I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I gripped onto the sink tightly as I tried to stop myself from crying.

“You aren’t mad at me, are you—“he said but I cut him off quickly, raising my voice slightly at him, probably for the first time ever.

“Were you seeing her when we were dating?” I said as I opened my eyes, glaring at him through the mirror. I knew he didn’t want to answer that question as he parted his lips to speak, but I turned around and started to loose my temper all of a sudden. It wasn’t my fault that I couldn’t control my anger problems.

“Tell me!” I shouted as the tears started to flow, I knew my mascara was probably smudging since I wasn’t wearing the water-proof one today.

“Veronica…please let me explain.” He said as he opened his arms up, and before thinking twice I went into his welcoming arms and started sobbing. It felt weird, that I was in my ex-boyfriends arms, whom I hated at the moment. But a part of me still wanted to forgive him.

I snuggled close to him as he rubbed my back gently, shushing me with his soft voice. I liked it when he done this. It calmed me down when I was most angry. But it still felt slightly weird, since he was the one that got me angry in the first place.

“I’m sorry Veronica.” He whispered near my ear, then kissed it multiple times, making me hold onto him tightly. It was dead quiet in the girls bathroom, all we could hear was himself breathing softly and the tap water dripping into the white empty sink behind us.

Surprise surprise, the moment didn’t last forever as the door was pushed open. I felt Stephen’s grip on me loosen, although I kept holding onto him tightly. Not wanting him to let go. Forever this time.

“Stephen?” I heard the most annoying voice in the world say as he let go of me slowly, I felt some more tears fall as I opened my eyes and saw her. She looked hurt, although it was pretty obvious she was faking it. I thought that he was going to stay with me, and make me feel better. But he didn’t.

Instead he walked over to Rose, kissed her forehead lightly before wrapping his arms around her stomach from behind, and walking out of the bathroom with her.

He left without a single word. Not even a goodbye. Not even a small smile. I mean, surly he could have made an effort. And effort..for me at least.

I stared back at the reflection of myself in the mirror, before clutching my fist lightly and smashing the mirror. I started to feel the tears flow again as the mirror cracked, and funny enough it cracked on the reflection of my face.

I looked down and allowed the tears to flow, knowing my life has probably ended at this exact moment. Everything was ruined.

I kept looking down, watching my heavy tears drip onto the tiled bathroom floor, not giving a care in the world if anyone saw me. Nobody cared about me anymore, not even my so-called friend, Rose. Not even my closest friend, Stephen Jerzak.

Whom I was still crushing on.

“Veronica! You have to come and see this!” a voice shouted before the door slammed, I turned around quickly but I wasn’t quick enough to see who had said it. I slowly made my way to the bathroom door, opened it and saw everyone rushing towards the exit of the school.

Why was everyone in such a hurry?

I walked out slowly, watching everyone shove past me, heading to the exit of the school doors. I wondered as I quickly followed the huge crowd, wondering where the hell we were all going. I wanted to ask someone, but everyone hated me at this point. So why should I even bother?

I was about to give up as I finally was pushed out of the school by the crowd, but then I saw everyone crowding round two figures in the car park.

I rolled my eyes lightly, knowing it was probably a fight. Usually two fights over a girl. What I didn’t know..was that the two guys were indeed fighting over me.

“Veronica is mine! Back off you son of a…” I heard Stephen shout before stopping when he had saw me. I didn’t have time to see who the other guy was as I was starting to run back into the school, not wanting to be part of this at all.

Not wanting to be a part of Stephen’s life anymore.

At all.

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