Chapter Two.

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I sighed as I stared at the school clock whilst the teacher was blabbing on about some kind of maths question. It had been almost two weeks since the breakup with Stephen, and I was already suffering.

Crazy as it sounds, I still wanted him back. I mean, sure we were still best friends and we hung around together everywhere, but I couldn’t kiss him anymore. I couldn’t tell him I loved him anymore, I just couldn’t.

I looked at him for a while as he silently worked beside me, his face was so cute when he was concentrating on something. He finally looked up after a while and caught me looking at him, and instead of questioning me he just gave me a soft smile.

I forced a smile back on my face as he started on his work again, I looked down at my jotter and realised I hadn’t wrote anything down since the lesson had started. He must of not missed me as much as I missed him.

I sighed lightly as I picked up my pencil for the first time in twenty minutes, then began sketching on the front of my books. I was bored, and I didn’t want to do any of this boring work the teacher had gave us. I continued sketching, unaware Stephen was watching me. I let my mind flow, so I sketched whatever came to mind first.

At first, I started sketching Stephen. I got told by a lot of people I was good at sketching, and that I should go to art college next year, but I chose not to.  After a while I finished my sketch, then signed the bottom of the paper.

I still love you.

I pushed the book away from me as I laid my head on my arms on the table, unaware Stephen was still looking at me. I felt someone tug the book away from under my arms, and I instantly knew it was Stephen.

I heard him sigh lightly, followed by the book getting placed back on the desk as he nudged my arm a little, wanting me to look up at him.

I chose not to, as I felt the tears start up in my eyes. I didn’t want him to see me crying again, and I certainly didn’t want anyone else in the class to see me crying, otherwise they would ask me what was wrong.

“Veronica.” He whispered near by ear as I nudged him away, letting the tears roll down my cheeks as I buried my head in-between my arms. His voice relaxed me, but it didn’t relax me too much to stop me from crying even more.

“Stephen baby, what’s wrong with her?” I heard a familiar voice speak as I froze. The tears continued to flow down my cheeks as I realised who’s voice it was.

My best friend, Rose.

“I have no idea baby.” Stephen replied back as I felt his hand rub my back gently. I shoved my chair back as he took his hand back furiously.

Everyone in the class turned to look at me as I shoved my books in my bag, then made my way to the classroom door, storming past everyone.

“Veronica, what’s the matter?” I heard the teacher say, but before he could stop me I stormed out of the classroom and slammed the door hard, making everyone jump in the classroom.

I rushed to the girls bathroom, then locked myself in a cubicle and cried my eyes out.

How could Rose do that to me?

I tried to stop the tears flowing faster as I wiped them away quickly using my hoodie sleeve.

What if Stephen was seeing her when we were dating?

I kicked the cubicle door in anger as I screamed out, the tears were falling uncontrollably now. I didn’t have a care in the world about anything anymore.

I wanted to get over him as soon as possible. Commit suicide if I could.

After ten minutes, I remained there in the cubicle, my eyes closed tightly as I rocked myself back and forth, my head in my hands as I felt the tears drip onto my palms slowly.

“Maybe she’s in here” I heard someone say as the girls bathroom door was pushed open, I remained silent.

I heard them check every cubicle, and they were getting closer to mines. As they tried to push my cubicle open, the lock rattled slightly. They knew I was in here instantly.

“Veronica?” I heard a girl say as she heard me sob slightly; they probably thought I was overreacting, even though I wasn’t really.

“C’mon Veronica…tell us what’s wrong.” I heard Rose speak as I kicked the cubicle door again, making the lock rattle even more as I shouted at her.

“Go away!”

“Fine then!” she shouted back as I heard her storm out the girls bathroom, followed by girls footsteps leading on behind her.

In no time, the girls bathroom was silent again. All that was heard was the tap running from one of the sinks.

After finally calming myself down, I opened the cubicle door and stepped out, my bag slouched over my shoulder as I looked at myself in the mirror.

It was so obvious that I had been crying, so I splashed cold water on my face and closed my eyes tightly, trying to get my mind off things. But of course, the ‘calming session’ didn’t last long as I heard someone outside the girls bathroom. The voice was mumbling behind the door.

I didn’t bother to open my eyes as I stayed there, eyes closed, feeling the cold water dripping.

“Veronica…” a familiar voice spoke as I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the figure In the mirror.

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