Chapter Eight

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'Oh my...' Sarah said in that mimic-Voldemort sigh as Pansy walked in, dressed in tight black shorts and an even tighter top with the words "naughty witch" printed on the side. Oh Merlin no... 

'Draco? What... What is she DOING here?!' Pansy squeaked nasally. I saw Sarah grin. 

'I should be asking you the same question deary,' she said in a sugar-coated snarl, 'but I won't. I'll kill you, make Draco here -my BOYFRIEND by the way- grovel upon the ground and then... Then I will forgive you.' She smiled, her teeth like a sharks, and pulled her wand out.  

'Don't you dare Sarah,' I started, then froze as Pansy let out a strangled sob.  

'Im not in the mood to talk to you at the moment Draco darling,' Sarah growled, 'now, if you'd step aside, I'll kill the pig.' 

'I am not a pig!' Pansy yelled, then put her hands upon her hips. 'Draco invited me.'


Oh god, I thought to myself as I braced myself on the step of Malfoy Manor, preparing to knock. It had been three days and those of us with the Order knew something was up. My palms were sweating, I felt feverish and I'd realized, only now, that I hadn't seen Tom since we were younger, before he was mutated as he was. One. Two... I knocked.

There was a half-minute silence before the door swung open, revealing a very old Lucius. His mouth curved downwards as he studied me, uncertain. 

'And you are...?'  

'Melanie.' I answered curtly.  

'That's not very helpful,' Lucius frowned, exposing the many wrinkles upon his brow.  

'Does it matter? I'm here to see Sarah. Is she home?' Lucius's eyes bulged slightly and I smiled, taking a step forward. 'I'll take that as a yes then.'

I walked quickly inside, praying to all the gods that Tom would not find me. I couldn't even begin to contemplate what he'd do to me then... 

'Well who the hell do you think you are? And what are you doing here?' Goddammit.  

'Bellatrix, right?' I asked the crazy-haired mistress of Tom's. 

'That depends...'she answered coyly, 'what's your business here?'  

'I'm here to see Sarah.' At that point Lucius closed the door and stood behind me. Already I was outnumbered, two to one. I needed to make it even, but, even if I called Sarah right now, there was no knowing who'd she help. I grabbed my wand as Bellatrix and Lucius both put theirs to me.  

'You a bloody teacher then? Not smartass-looking enough to be an Auror, so one of Dumbledore's ninnies?' Lucius growled. I smiled, sinking into the shell I'd become so accustomed to. 

'SARAH!!!' I yelled at the topmost of my lungs. I barely registered Lucius's fear that struck his face or Bellatrix's hand across my mouth. 

'And now you're gonna be dead by her hand! Stupid!' Lucius moaned.


Tears begun to fill my ink-coloured eyes, ready to spill onto my cheeks. 

'This had better not be true Draco,' I whispered, 'answer me?!!!' 

Draco took a deep breath. His hands were shaking. He went to speak but was interrupted by a loud yell. 


Melanie's Daughter (Sequel to Voldemort's Daughter- Sarah Riddle)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora