Chapter Six

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'You know this chick then?' the man I assumed to be the leader of this pack asked Dante.
'I do,' Dante muttered. My grin widened as the other two stared at me, trying to understand.
'How? Is she a Death Eater? I haven't seen her around the Manor...' 
His words drew strange anger from me. They were in the Manor, my home, doing merlin-knows-what! I narrowed my eyes, waiting for Dante's response.

'She's not,' he said after a while, 'we had a discussion about it last time we met.' 
'Then what are we waiting for?!' the guy to the right of me snarled. How curious; he smelt familiar.
'A werewolf huh?' I asked him, certain that his scent was similar to Greybacks. The man scowled at me then stepped closer to me, breath on my face. 
'And if I am?' he growled, 'want to be one too girly?' 
I shrunk away from him, moving almost unconsciously towards Dante. 

He regarded me with unreadable eyes as I pulled my wand and held it to his neck, taking him as a hostage. 
'Will you kill me?' Dante whispered. 
'If they come too close,' I hissed, my wand starting to smoke black. 


Sarah's wand, pressed horribly close to my throat, thrummed with dark magic. Harris took a step back involuntary and the werewolf followed his lead.

'I will kill him.' Sarah said with all the fury of Voldemort. Harris allowed himself a small laugh and I stared at him, silently begging him to stop. 
'She's not bluffing,' I whispered, 'she's saved me from the Dark Lord. Do what she says.'
Sarah laughed her scary giggle and the two edged back further, then sprinted off. 

Sarah released me soon as they left, shaking her head sadly.
'Some friends you got there,' she sniggered, her black eyes amused. 
'We snuck off,' he admitted, 'apparently the Dark Lord was planning some horrible meeting on anyone that didn't have a dark mark.' I pulled up my left sleeve, showing her the clear skin. Her eyes widened a little then she grabbed my hand and started to pull me. 

'What's wrong?' I asked her, 'Miss Riddle?' She froze.
'Call me that and I'll ensure you die,' she hissed. 'I'm going, firstly, to get Draco Malfoy and after that you're going to apparate me to the Manor. Don't you dare protest.' 
'I wasn't going to,' I said, then smiled, 'think the Dark Lord will reward me for finding his daughter?' 
'I wasn't lost,' she muttered. 'Draco!' 

In the distance, a thin white haired teen turned, concern over his deathly pale face. He started towards her, walking with unneeded haste. 

'Who are you?' the boy spat, his piercing blue eyes staring into mine. Definitely the son of Mr Malfoy.
'I'm uh, Dante. Dante Velso... I'm a Death Eater, one of the new recruits.' The Malfoy kid grinned.
'Nice. You know Sarah then?' 


'He's quite the rebel,' I said, 'tried to pick a fight with me first time we met. And then I saved him.' Dante's cheeks flushed a bright red and I laughed. 

'I coulda gotten myself out of it,' Dante muttered. 'We going then?' 
I looked to Draco. He raised an eyebrow.
'Where?' he asked, 'He coming too?'
'His name is Dante,' I muttered, 'we need to go back to the Manor- I need to talk to Father; it's urgent.' I watched in silent agony as Draco's face fell. Of course, it was wrong- He'd only escaped from the place and I was dragging him back. 
'I'm sorry,' I whispered, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss. Behind me, Dante cleared his throat. 'What?!'
'We should go.' Dante said blandly. 'The Dark Lord usually only comes out at this time.'
'What would you know?' I snarled, pushing my finger to his chest. Dante sighed.
'He comes out only to torment us,' he said bitterly, 'don't ask me why, I have no idea. Mind mentioning that we don't like it?' I looked at him and shrugged.
'Take us now or else I'll tell him you told me he was a git.' Dante paled and I grinned, taking Draco's hand. It was warm, unlike my own, and ridiculously soft. 

'Take my hand then Miss Riddle,' Dante said with almost laziness. I grasped it, my other hand in Draco’s and the three of us were ripped from the dimensions of the world, moving the very rules of space and time.

Melanie's Daughter (Sequel to Voldemort's Daughter- Sarah Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now