Little Heart Big Love

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I look at the test in shock. How could this have happened. I was pregnant. This sucks! I sank down to the floor. What was I gonna do? I remembered his sweet voice caring and sweet. I promised I would never fall for him. But I did.

I Lonceen Marie Dillyns straight A senior lined up for good colleges am pregnant.

I was saddened by my actions but I was glad I had a growing child in me. I'm thankful though that I'm seventeen and going to graduate in three months.

I look down at my flat stomach I put my hand to my stomach. I had always wanted kids in the future but I didn't think it would come so soon. I smiled down at my flat stomach.

"Don't worry hon, we will be just fine."


I hope you like it if not do tell




This is my first attempt at one of these kinds of stories and I will probably end up deleting it


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