Two weeks had passed since Paige and Adam's break up. Luke and Jamie had finally returned from visiting their family, and the first thing they did was call me to see what I was up to. Surprisingly, I had the day off from work, so I told them they were welcome to come by the house and we could figure out what to do with ourselves. Adam and I were sharing embarrassing stories of how our parents used to dress us when we were younger (only I had the pictures to prove it) when the doorbell rang. 

"Come on in!" I yelled, knowing full well who was on the other side of that door. Luke and Jamie walked in and we formed a group hug. "I missed you guys! I hope you had a good time with your family."

"We did," Luke answered. "Hopefully you weren't TOO bored without us."

"Actually, I had a friend to lean on while you were gone," I said, nudging Adam.

"Where's your other half?" Jamie asked him.

"I don't have one," Adam replied. "Paige and I broke up about two weeks ago. But before you two start with the condolences, it was mutual, and I'm fine."

"Would you like to join us on our adventure today?" Luke asked him.

"I wouldn't want to impose," Adam said. "You guys haven't seen each other in weeks. Go and have your fun. I'll be fine here."

"You wouldn't be imposing," Jamie told him. "Besides, I'm sure my brother would love to have another guy around. We kind of outnumber him."

"It WOULD be nice to not be the only guy for a change," Luke agreed.

"Well alright then," Adam said. "I appreciate the invite. So what's on the agenda?"

"We haven't decided yet," I answered. "We were supposed to discuss that when these two got here. Any ideas?"

"How about go-kart racing?" Luke suggested. "We haven't done that in a really long time."

"Sounds good to me," I said. "Anyone NOT up for go-kart races?" A quick scan around the room caught both Adam and Jamie giving the thumbs up to Luke's plan. After we determined whose car we were taking, the four of us were on our way to find a go-kart track. While Adam played navigator for Luke, Jamie and I decided we would try to have a little girl talk.

"So you know I have to ask what happened," she whispered, signaling toward Adam.

"Paige was basically ignoring him, leaving him behind to hang with Sasha and Lexi," I whispered back. "They both admitted that whatever spark used to be there had burnt out a while ago. Paige even went as far as to tell me that in their entire three years together, they never slept together."

"Wait, what??" Jamie asked in surprise.

"Apparently they talked about it, but never actually did the deed," I explained. "With her always out with her girls, I can actually understand why it never happened."

"Adam seems like such a great guy," Jamie said. "What in the world is your sister's problem?"

"She's shallow," I answered. "She saw nothing more than a pretty face. That's how she's always been. She goes for the cutest guys, not caring whether or not they have a great personality or how they treat women. I never got half the names of some of the guys she used to bring home because it was a new one each week."

"Well her loss could be someone else's gain," she smiled as she nudged me.

"What?" I was confused. "Oh, no. It's not like that with me and Adam. We're just friends. And we've been hanging out and just having fun."

"Whatever you say, girlfriend," Jamie said. "Give it time." I just shook my head and playfully tapped her arm. Before we knew it, we looked out the window and we had arrived at the go-kart track. For me, it was perfect timing, because knowing Jamie she would have just kept going on and on with her idea that Adam and I should be together. First off, I didn't look at him in that way. He was my newest best friend, that's it. And secondly, he literally just broke up with my sister. Seriously, how bad would it look if we HAD hooked up? I would have had to deal with Paige asking me if Adam and I were doing things while they were still together. Thanks, but no thanks.

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