Chapter 4: Escape or Fall

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             Holding my nose was no option. I will have to just deal with whatever stench this was. By stench... I can't even describe this! I shook my head as my hand and body hugged the brick wall. I could feel the stuff that seems to be stained on it, rub against my body. When I get out of here a bath or shower is greatly needed!

           Taking a step further, I felt my chest hit the wall. It just hit it. This was very odd. My heart was racing. It was as if it wanted to burst from my chest and create a lovely crimson red on these stained brick walls. It would be an improvement but I don't want my heart to have an exploding moment.

        Taking a short break, I turned and put my back against the wall. Leaning on it, I slid down slowly, gripping my chest. I was nervous. My plan for escape might of caused something. Or... Maybe something had attacked the city! My mind raced through so many ideas, but I couldn't comprehend them as much as I could. A conclusion came to mind. The pounding in my chest then suddenly stopped. My mind was made up. Standing from the concrete floor, my body started to walk. It moved on it's own instantly. I had come to one conclusion. To get out of here and never look back.

           With this in mind I knew what I had to do to actually stop this nervousness of mine. My nerves were only reacting because I was scared of what might happen when I leave this place. Where should I go? Should I just head straight from the gates, or find a map and strategize my next location. But wherever my body took me that was where I would want to be.

          This was just so rushed. I didn't want to be here, but yet I felt I should stay. This was very conflicting with me.

         “God damn it!” My scream began to echo through out the lower city or the sewers. The next thing I knew was that pain began to build up in my right hand. It would seem I had closed my eyes, couldn't tell since either way if closed or open them it was pitch black. But I opened them. My arm was extended forward. I could feel the cold brick wall as my knuckles connected with it’s surface. Did I really just punch something so solid?! Retracting it, my left hand covered my right. A liquid seemed to drip from it.

        “ I'm bleeding... “ My voice was soft and slow. So shocked... Why would I punch the wall?! This was to confusing! I have changed so much since I found out about everything. My calm and steadiness was now relinquished and was now at the level of what seemed to be considered an uncontrollable dog! What have I really become!?

         The pain grew even more. It shot up to my shoulder now. Moving my hand I threw it and grasped my right shoulder. More blood? That's right... I was wounded there as well. The throbbing intensified. Falling to one knee, I didn't let go of my shoulder. Why this pain all of a sudden? Maybe it could be the fact I was ignoring it, replacing it with meaningless thoughts... Makes me wonder how I can do that.

        Shifting around, I took hold of the wall. Using it as a support system.

         The sound of footsteps invaded my ears at just a sudden moment. People were down here and I didn't know?! Was it the guards or just people from the city? I had no time to figure out whom. I took this as an opportunity to just run. Which I started to just right now!

       Who was it that had known where I was? Maybe it was just like I thought; it was just some random person. No matter, this was in a dire moment. I did not want to get caught. Turning another dark corner, I slipped up a bit. Falling to the floor.

     Something was very odd now that I think about it. No one ever came down; of course I did here and there but no one else.

    Looking into the darkness deeper and deeper I could see some movement.  Peculiar to say the least, it could be some of the rats that run this sewer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2011 ⏰

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