Chapter 1: Lies Within The Royal Family

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          That syringe. It always made me quiver when my view was set upon it. The long sleek needle…that’s what made me think of it as a evil puncture utensil. But thelargest thing of it that made me think of it as something to be fearful was the substance that filled the glass cylinder hooked to it. The blue liquid made me sick to my stomach for about an hour or two. Side affects were such a drag. I hated them, almost as much as I hated the doctor that injected me with it.

          “What is that over there?” His deep voice, almost Hypnotizing, made me look the way his gloved hand suggested. It was just a distraction from the injection. I knew this but did what I was told. I winced as I felt the surface of my skin be penetrated as the needle went deep down into my arm. I then closed my eyes. Though I didn’t struggle. Struggling would make me be restrained. I hated that as well.

          Seems I hated a lot of things recently. I blame the people that surrounded me. Always treating me like I’m something worthwhile. I dislike the praise they served me.

          I opened an eye. Looking at my forearm, I gasped. So much blood flowed. My green eyes flashed as I looked at the crimson river. It flowed down my arm. Forming other long lines as it parted from the main stream. It then went over My knuckles I looked at it, but didn’t move my hand from above the table. It’s feel gave me such a nostalgic feeling. Also the smell, its fragrance gave me such a feeling. I raised my hand as the red liquid dripped off. I then opened my mouth.

          “Soen what are you doing?!” The black haired doctor raced ti the table I was sitting on. He gripped my hand. I yelped. “Why are you trying to lick your own blood?! That is unhealthy!” His gaze was intense. Soon my gaze leveled with his. He looked down at me like I was something else. His gripped loosened. This confused me. Why wasn’t I able to lick my own blood?

          The doctor then shuffled away. He adjusted his Horn rimmed glasses and grunted. “ Humph! Just go…I will look more into your procedures. “ he reached for the papers that were on the table. Moving them away from the blood that seemed to drag down and drip onto the floor. I then looked up to see him staring at the table in utter disgust. “ Also go get yourself cleaned up… We don’t want that to get infected.” He spoke for the last time, pointing his pen at the hole in my arm. He shook his head and walked over to the counter in the room. Taking off his glove he tossed them into the trash and started to wash his hands.

I jumped from the table, stumbling a bit. Without anymore converse I left the room. My arm still trickled with blood.  I have had it with that doctor…a new one would be needed. One that actually knew what he was doing. But, My requests would be just relinquished once read. Such a bad thing this was.

          Sauntering into the restroom in the hallway, I closed the door and locked it. Turning the little device on the knob. I had to make sure no one would come it. I then walked over to the paper towel dispenser and pulled out a couple of the blank pieces. Turning on the faucet, I placed the towels under the cold water. That poured out Instantly I began to wipe away the blood. It had already stained my skin. I sighed and stopped. I was done. The paper towels now had blots of red all over it. I threw them into the toilet. Looking down at the towels in the bowl, I frowned. The water began to blend with the towels and turn red. My blood would even infected the water…. such a pity. Especially toilet water… I guess my life was shit. Shit I would have to look at everyday. Shaking my head I turned the knob on the toilet and watched as the blood water went down and soon it was filled with more water. The bowl looked clean. I smiled and walked over to the counter with the faucet.

EsterniahTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang