chap 2

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I packed the rest of my clothes and checked out of the club. I make my way out into the crisp colds of Toronto. Lights were flashing and people were yelling.  

"DRAKE!" They screamed repeatedly. I didn't wanna be seen walking near him, mostly because I was gonna be in the tabloids posted as, 'The hoe that slept with Rapper Drake'. That wasn't going to happen. So i decided to let him walk ahead of me. I stayed about fifty feet behind him.  The lights flashing and the clicking. It was bothering me. They act like they don't know what personal space is. Its annoying.  One by one my feet stepped in front of each other.  I kept my head down and finally got to my car.  I roll my eyes out of spite and look the doors right after i close them.  I strap my self in with the seat belt and stick my key into the ignition.  

'WTH' by: jhene aiko came on. I start to sing as the minutes pass of me waiting for drake. I saw a black Rolls Royce. I smile because I knew that was Drake. I may be 21 but that doesn't change the fact that my life was dedicated to Drake. I mean sure I know everyone's like ' Omg Drakes music changed my life.'... ' Drake makes me complete' and corny shit like that but Drake make's me feel like I have a purpose.  As I thought about me being such a huge Drake fans i didn't noticed that we had stopped. 

When I looked up i saw a huge brick mansion. It looked like it has more than 28 rooms just on the first floor. I started to collect my things from my car.  I only have a Jordan backpack. I take a breather and step out of the car. 

"Nicki?" I hear some one question my name.  I turn my head to see who it was. Surprisingly I see Drake jogging up to me.  I smile showing my dimples. 

"Yeah thats my name."  He smiles and looks down at the ground.

"Well you can come in i dont want you to freeze to death." I giggle and walk besides him. 

"the gate passcode is 112603." He said in a lower voice making sure only i heard. I look at him like hes crazy.

"Why do you trust me so much? We just met for all you know I could be a thief or a con and take all of your belonging's," I state in a some what confused voice. He cackled at my exaggeration.   

"I trust you because you seem down to Earth and i know that your not a con or thief now lets go so we dont freeze in this  coldness."  He takes my hand and leads me inside. When we enter into the house he lets go before locking the door behind us.

"This is one of my many houses." I smile as he told me around his house.

"well thanks for the tour,"I smile witch I cant stop doing.

"Can I ask you a question." I think i knew it. Nicki why are you a stripper? I get that question all the time i fuckin hate it.

"Why are you a stripper?" I take a seat on the huge leather couch in Indian style.  I scoff at the question before answering. 

"You dont have to answer that I'm sorry." He says quickly after.

"Nah, its okay. So when I was 16 my mom passed away from cancer. It was very hard getting over that because she was my everything, I never when a day with out seeing her face, so when she did die a lot of things changed. My father became a drunk , My brother moved to L.A, my friends stopped talking to me and my sister ended up moving to England. All the would say was 'Their is way to many memories here.' So after about a month with out a family i was sent to a foster home. Umm..." I pause to keep myself from crying. 

"I hated it there my foster mom was a bitch and told me that she only took me in for the money. She had mental problems she would ask me to do something for her and then start to freak out when i woould do it saying ' your a stupid bitch i told you to do this!' knowing she didn't, thankfully she was usually out gambling all the money that was sent for me to live with. But the bad part was that i was home with him.." At this point I had tears streaming down my face. I got scared just thinking of him.

"He umm he abused me... In every way possible." I wipe my tears and put my hair into a bun.

"He stole my virginity, and one time i tried to fright back but that only made it worst. So he burned me with a lighter. I just tell everyone that its a birthmark. When i turned 18 I ran away simply because they no longer had control over me i was practically an adult. I ended up finishing high school with high honors.  I was givin' a scholarship  but around the time my brother ended up in the Army and didnt make it out of Iraq. I missed the date i was suppose to enter. I had no money, no house, no food, i was practically homeless until i was picked up by Mark I started to work for him and entered University of Toronto. After graduating I got a job as a violins and pianist. I ended up getting laid off because they when out of business and here i am  Thats my life story."

 I let out a deep breath. Before i knew it i was in Drakes embrace. I hug him back and rest my head on his shoulder. I let a few tears slip out. 

"I'm sorry Nicki , even though we just met i'll always be here for you ,k?" I nod before wrapping my legs around his torso. He let his hand gently caress my head. My arms wrapped around his large structure, my fingers sped on his back. Still crying I felt safe with him.  


I Woke up without my sweat pants and a new shirt. In a bed alone, and a note on the far left side of the bed. I slowly stretch and reach for it.

           Dear Nicki, 

          When you wake up I have an outfit for you to wear in the bathroom along with a towel and utenciles  you need to shower meet me in the cave when your done. 

                                        love A.D.G.

I slowly get up and run my hand over my face and yawn.


THANKS FOR READING...... follow me on instagram @trin_trintillman

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