I don't know how long I sat there, but All i could do was scream at Reilly in my mind. He Killed Abi! I

never wanted her dead! What have I done?...Now may daughter was out of a mother. I never wanted

a baby to begin with, but Reilly was dead set on having a son to pass the pack to when it was time.

When our baby was born, it was a girl and looked just like my sister. That infuriated him more than

anything. At that moment I knew he was leaving me and I knew I was going to die. That's why I gave

Kathrine to my sister. Abi was a Bitch but deep down I loved her. I knew she would raise Katy the

right way.

Reilly still stood there with Abi hanging out of his mouth like some prize, sadistic son-of-a-bitch.

I jumped when the door burst open and  four very large very pissed off looking werewolves ran into

the room. I saw my father standing at the front fallowed by my cousins, Kale and Noah. They were

too late. I started to cry, Ive been selfish this whole time and now Ive lost my sister.

Reilly dropped my sister as he was engulfed by werewolves. I needed to tell her I was sorry, not

that it would do any good  but I needed to tell her. My bones hurt, Reilly broke something when he

pounced on me, that wasn't the first time he'd hit me but I couldn't blame him for everything I've

done. I army crawled to my sister. there was blood everywhere....I lost it. I started crying..

'Abi!' I yelled into her mind.

No answer, not that i had expected one but I was still hoping she would say something

'Abi! I'm sorry. there is no way for me to apologize for what I've done. I need you! I'm a horrible

person. please don't die. I NEED you!'

I felt giant arms pull me up off the floor beside her, It was my father. The look in his eyes crushed

me. He knew I had a part in this. I whimpered a little as he sat me back on the bed. All of my

cousins faced away from me, they wouldn't look at me. Part I knew they were crying and the other

part I knew they now hated me. Lee was on the floor beside Abi screaming. I wonder why i didn't

feel that way about Reilly's death...I should be torn up about him but I'm not...I feel like I'm free.

My father looked up as the bedroom door opend.. My jaw hung open, I could not believe what I was



Noah Mossy's P.O.V.

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move. Abilene was dead. Everything that Wade had predicted has

come true. I looked around the room and saw that all of us had the same mask of sadness on our

faces..Our Luna was dead. Ryan looked up at the door and I couldnt believe what I was seeing. All

of our jaws dropped. Wade was standing in the middle of the door way  with Katy floating about

three feet in the air glowing. After about five seconds Massen reached the doorway, he was out of

breath and had the same look of being shocked on his face.

"She just started floating!"

Ryan had to take a second look just to make sure he wasn't going crazy, at this point i would say we

all were going crazy. He took a step toward The baby glow worm but wade stopped him.

"Papa, don't. This is what she was born for." Wade had a few tears on his cheeks, he refused to

look at  Abi laying lifeless on the floor. Instead of walking to his mom, Wade walked up to Ellie

laying on the bed.

He drew back his hand and smacked Ellie's wolf. she didn't even flinch, she sat there and took it

from her nephew.

"She still loved you." his voice cracked a little then looked to me. Wade ran up to me and burred his

face in my shoulder as I picked him up.

I didn't know what to say. how do I explained to a now two year old that his mother was dead? This

is one day they all of us would never forget. Halloween, Wade's second birthday.


Ryan McKeadies P.O.V.

I stood there watching my granddaughter glowing. What was I supposed to feel right now? I don't

think I have any emotions left. My daughter betrayed our pack and her sister. My oldest daughter lay

dead on the floor, I felt as if my heart had been shatterd. Reilly lay a few feet away in pieces. I killed

him, I never thought I would feel so much satisfaction in killing someone but for my daughter i

would have done anything to avenge her.

Wade was looking directly at Katy, their eyes were locked with one another as Abilene was lifted

about two feet off the floor. she shifted back to her human form and started to glow just like Katy.

The light got brighter the longer she was held in the air. WTH was happening? Was Katy a Healer?

before I could react the light burst and Katy fell right in Kale's arms. Wade looked at me Paler than I

had ever seen him.

"Mommy's alive!" he shouted.

Abi started coughing whimpering for Lee.

Lee was right at her side, he was crying.

"Lover boy, don't cry." she said softly feeling his face.

"Abi!" All of my nephew's yelled together.

"Papa...." Wade paused. " She has two heart beats."

I looked at him confused. Who was he talking about?

"She's alive Wade. Mommy's alive!" I took him from Noah and knelt down to Abi.

"Wade" Abi said quietly as he jumped into his mothers arms.

My daughter was alive! I thought to myself. this was one of the happiest days of my life. my baby

was alive......Katy...Katy was a healer Both of my grandchildren have one of the rarest gifts anyone

could recieve.

 Noah and Kale coughed looking at Ellie.

"What are we going to do with her?" they said nastily.

That was the question, what were we going to do with her? By Pack law she committed the ultimate

crime and it was punishible by death. I loved her but how far could I go before I broke?

(AN: Ok what do you think should happen to Ellie? I know a lot of people hate her but there has to

be some moral to her if she honestly feels that she did wrong right? It wasn't exactly was I was

going for but I hoped you guys liked it, if you didnt or have any questions pm me or comment. Any

way Comment, Fan and Vote!!! Please and thank you! <3 ash )

All for Wade (Book 1 of the 'McKeadies' series)(Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now