Chapter 10

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(AN: WooHoo in the double digits now! lol so what do you think will happen when Lee gets home? hhmm, I see a serious butt whoopin in the near future :) Lee Marks Abilene :) hehe finally oh and thank you to my roommates:Corey, jimmy and Kutch )

oh and the song over here -----> play it when he walks back in the bed room :)

Lee Remington's POV

Something felt off, Abi quit talking to me and I couldn't find my phone anywhere. Agh, that's all I needed. Clair called me last night, I didn't answer for once. I wasn't interested in what she was selling. Some how, Ive found a little family with Abilene and wade and I will not lose it.

"Abi?" I hollard when I stepped in the kitchen. Wade wasn't playing like he normally was. The house was dead quiet.

"Wade? Buddy...where are you? Abi?" I was beginging to panic. what the hell was going on?

"Did the boys get home OK?"

Abilene? where was she? I walked through the living room, down the hallway and slowly opened

our bed room door. wow things gave changed in a week. I never thought Id feel this way about her.

Abi's eyes were red and she had dark circles under her eyes.

"where's Wade?"

"With Marge" that was her only reply.

"Have you been crying? Whats wrong my love?"

I was waiting for her reply when she tossed my phone at me, nearly missing my head. My eyes

widened. Holy shit, I didn't erase the texts from last night.

"I can explaine. Abi listen to me." I pleaded but she just kept angrier.

"No! How stupid do you think I am? I thought you were different Lee. After all this?" she was pacing the bedroom floor.

"Abi listen she called me-" I started to say but she cut me off

"No lee, get the hell out of my house! Now!" she screamed

"No." I said simply. but really it was killing me inside. she thought I still wanted Clair.

"Yes! Stay the hell away from me and MY son." she emphasised the word MY

"He's My son too!"

I saw a flash of brown run past me. Before I could get a second wind  she knocked me on my back.

Abilene was on top of me growling, showing her teeth.

"Abi Stop!" I shouted before I shifted into my wolf. My wolf kept growling at me. M-a-t-e it kept saying.

C-l-a-i-m. I needed to mark her, I needed to know she was mine, My wolf was more dominate and

strong than hers and she knew that but she kept coming at me. I needed to make her submit and

listen to me! agh! what do I do? I cant hurt her.

I rolled abi on her back and clamped down on her shoulder. I wanted so bad to claim her but I

couldn't do it this way. She had to accept it, Want it.

'Abilene! I can mark you right now!'

'then why don't you?' she whimpered.

'I should! then I could keep you in your place! Hell I didn't want you at all a week ago!'

She had been fighting me this whole time, but once I said that she slumped down, giving up.

'I hate you, just leave.' she gave up

'what the hell Abilene put up a fight! something just don't give up. don't make this easy for me.'

she whimperd again, I let go of her shoulder

'make what easy?'

'leaving you'

her eyes grew round with disbelief. she still thought I wanted Clair. She shifted back into her

human form. she was completely naked just laying on the floor.

"Just fucking leave already." she yelled as I shifted back also.

"Fine! you incorrigible woman! no wonder Reilly played you!" the moment those words left my

mouth I felt like shit. I shouldn't have said that, looking at her face and the tears starting to fall down

her cheeks I knew I had hurt her, something i had sworn never to do. I couldn't take them back. Oh

you bastard! I backed up, I needed air. I needed out.


Abilene Mckeadies POV

He left me, just like Reilly. I'm fucking pathetic. I couldn't even satisfy his needs, obviously that's why

Clair was still around. I picked myself up, physically and metaphorically, and walked to my bed.

Maybe If I slept Id wake up and It would be a dream. Why am I such a failure at relationships?

'your not. Abilene, I am. I am sorry. I shouldn't have said those things.'

"Lee?" I called out.

My bedroom door swung open and Lee stood there. Tall, Proud and Naked. He hadn't left. An

unknown feeling stirred in my belly. He was so beautiful, Im not sure if you could call a guy that but

that's what he was to me. I looked down at my body, how in the hell would he want me? I'm not a

barbie but im not large either. I had a few stretch marks from when I was pregnant with Wade. I was

defiantly not the girl he would go for. (play the song! :))

"Stop. Abilene. I love you.. I want you. I do not want Clair. I want YOU." He nearly growled the last

word. I could tell him wolf was trying to take over. He would only be in control for so long before his

wolf took over.

"Abilene. I cant stop it. I cant. Im sorry." I looked down and saw his erection, I knew what was going

to happen, and I found myself wanting it to happen.

"Don't be" I whispered.

Lee walked over to me pushing my back on the bed. His touch sent shivers down my spine..I was

already eager for him to touch me again. I looked into his blue eyes and knew that his wolf had

taken over.

Even though his wolf had taken over, he knew when to be easy and when to give more. Just when I

couldn't take anymore he bit just under my shoulder blade, he licked the puncture wounds lightly

with his tung sealing them up. completely out of energy he collapsed ontop of me, my legs were

still wrapped around his waist. I gladly accepted his weight. I was his, He was mine. It was never

like this with Reilly.

a growl rang in my ear.

"Don't ever think about him, Abilene. He will get his, But now your mine." his voice was low and

huskily in my ear.

I wrapped my arms around his neck making his face turn to mine.

"I love you Lee. More than you'll ever know."

Lee crushed his lips to mine, Im not sure where I started and he Stopped but I knew one thing for

sure I didn't want to ever get out of this bed.

(AN: Ok guys! tell me what you think? did you like it? did you hate it? It wasn't as long as I normally write but I added the little scene at the end lol OK guys! please please Vote, Comment and Fan! :))

All for Wade (Book 1 of the 'McKeadies' series)(Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now