Chapter 12 (Part 1)

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(AN: So Im entering the story in the Watty awards annnnddddd Im most likely going to make this a series if you guys think you would read them. Now were doing Abi's story but I think the next story will be one of the boys. OK tell me what ya'll think. On to chapter 12 :))

(PART 1)

Kale McKeadies POV

"Red Leader." I spoke into the walkie talkie.

"Copy Blue Leader. Where Is the insurgant?" Wade's voice rang through my hand set.

" Check the blue lagoon." I copied his command from earlier. We had been playing this game for

the last hour and he still wasnt worn out. It was nearly eleven o'clock and the love birds were due

back in thirty minutes. If i played my cards right I could get Wade a bath and in bed in twenty

minutes. Massen and I were glad to give Lee and Abi some time off. Abilene especially, she had

been through so much these past few days, she was tuff tho, she held her ground and even

attacked Lee. All was made up though, unfortunatly Noah was on the one to see the after effects. I

still couldn't stop laughing when I looked at him, apparently the vision of Lee's ass was still in his

head. Poor guy I feel sorry for him but on the other hand Abi is actually happy. Ive never seen her

like this, Not even when she was secretly with Reilly. The was one bastard that Id like to level,

every time I saw him. Now that Ellie was pregnant I couldn't step in unless Abilene was threatened. I

had a feeling that Lee would get to him before I could.

My phone vibrated. who could it be at this time of night?



"Blue Leader, I have the insurgents in sight! permission to attack?" Wade questioned, he must have found Noah and Massen hiding in the bathroom.

"Stand down blue leader, Miss Piggy's calling me." I replied back.


I ignored him and answered the call.

"ellie?" I questioned

"What the hell is Abilene doing with MY father?" she yelled on the other line.

"WHAT?!" I jumped from my crouched position. Earning me a shot to the head from Massen's air soft gun. I wave at him to stop when he started laughing.

"That Bitch and her Mangy Mutt are in My fathers office right now!" she was definatly pissed.

"Its HER father to Elaine. She has a right to see him." I sneered back.

"She is NOT taking my position from me!"

"Shut up Elaine! shes the oldest she has every right!" I was mad now, All Ellie wanted was power, she could care less about the pack.

I hung up the phone before she could answer.

"Noah, stay here with little man, I'm calling Kash and Paisley to sit with you. I don't know if Reilly knows about Wade. But I'm sure he'll try something."

Noah stood there still confused.

"Abilene and Lee are with Ryan right now."

He gave me an Uh Huh kind of look then nodded.

"Massen we need to get back, Now Ellie is freaking out."

Massen and I left Wade and Noah just sitting there, by the looks of it they still hadn't registered what

happened. Good thing Im calling Kash and Paisley, I wasnt letting Reilly get anywhere near little



Massen's POV

Kale drove like a bat out of hell, Id never seen him this on edge. Considering the circumstances I

dont blame him. There's no telling what Reilly is going to do now that Abilene has shown herself.

Kale flipped his phone shut and mumble something under his breath.

"Their headed over to Abi's house, They said that Ellie was still freaking out. She and Reilly are in

the office. Something's about to go down but I don't know what yet."

Kale was silent the rest of the drive. What normally took and hour only took us thirty minutes and

when we pulled up I was shocked to see what was happening.

(AN: Don't hate lol a little cliff hanger, Ill be on again later tonight to do part 2 so it WILL be up tonight. :) I have to finish up some stuff for school first. ok well please please Vote, Comment and Fan!  did I mention my fans are AMAZZZIINNNG? Well if I didnt  I am Now! :))

All for Wade (Book 1 of the 'McKeadies' series)(Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now