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Tikki didn't arrive back at Marinette's until about 4am, tired but determined that their plan would work. She felt a little bad about using powers of persuasion on her, but she didn't need to push her too far. Marinette was in love. She shook the tired girl awake early for once, and made her sit down in her desk chair, stating she had something serious to say.
"Marinette. It's time you told Adrien your true feeli- Sit down and listen to me! I can tell you're attracted to Chat, don't bother denying it, but you need to know if Adrien likes you before giving him a chance. I know Ad- Chat's kwami, and he says that he can't handle your rejection much longer. Yes Marinette, I have always known his kwami. No, Chat doesn't know this. Yes, his flirting was real, now stop interrupting. If you could just find out Adrien's true feelings for you, you either get to date him, or move on and date Chat. It's a win-win situation! Wh- yes, you can! Marinette, if you're confident enough to jump into a dinosaur's mouth, with a hasty plan at best, you can ask out a boy!"
Marinette stared at Tikki for a long time, thinking of all the times she was too scared to talk to Adrien, thinking of the first time they met, thinking of the first time she and Chat had met, when she kissed him, and how much she had enjoyed the soft touch of his lips, but then, Adrien's laugh on the first day that they met...
Tikki hit Marinette on the cheek to wake her from her thoughts and tilted her head to get her answer. Marinette got up off her bed went to her desk. She took a key from her pocket and unlocked her bottom drawer. Inside was the little black box her earings had came in, and they reminded her of the confidence she had when wearing them. Her eyes drifted to a black umbrella leaning against her wall and she smiled softly. A million insecurities ran through her brain but she turned around and nodded to Tikki, who squealed in delight and hugged the girl's cheek.
"Yay Marinette! You can tell him tomorrow! "
Marinette frowned in confusion and said,
"Why not today?"
Tikki's eyes darted around the room and she giggled nervously.
"Well, uhh, I thought umm, you should tell Chat that you're going to tell Adrien, and you won't see him until patrol later tonight. "
Marinette frowned and flopped back on her bed.
"Why on earth should I tell him?", she muttered, her voice muffled against her pillow.
"Because uhh... look not to be a downer, but it's in case you get rejected and akumatised... only he can save you. You'll have to tell Chat it's Adrien too, so he knows who to protect in case you try to go after him..."
Marinette sat up slowly and considered what Tikki was saying. She could trust Chat with her life, and she had on numerous occasions, but could she trust him with this? If Tikki was right about his feelings for her, he could get super jealous and go after Adrien himself... or what if she did get akumatised and he couldn't stop her? What if Adrien said no....?
The girl struggled for a while with her inner turmoil before latching onto a thought that had been circling around her head. Why was her kwami suddenly so adamant that she tell Adrien now, and make sure to tell Chat about it? Tikki had told her once she had limited powers of persuasion, or intuition, or something... Maybe she saw the outcome of this, and knew it was going to be good? Or, she could just be reading way too much into this... Maybe she should just go along with her plan. After all, her kwami was right. The worst that could happen was her dating Chat Noir, and he was the best substitute for Adrien... She managed to reach a decision and turned to question Tikki.
"Tikki, I know you know more than you're telling me... I just need to know one thing."
The girl turned around and looked the little red kwami dead in the eyes.
"Will this work?"
Tikki returned her stare and hesitated for a while before nodding.
"Yes, Marinette. This will work. I promise."
She sat there for a long time, going over the plan with Tikki, backing out of it and joining it again more times than she could count. When her alarm clock struck, she was up already, probably for the first time ever, tired but determined her plan would work.

"Yes Marinette"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें