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It is dark. I don't know where I am, but it felt familiar. Like I've been here more then once. I look around the best I can. I move my head to the side and saw I am laying on the floor. I try to sit up but a pain shooting up my arm stops me making me fall back to the ground.

I groan. I try again and manage to sit up. I look around again. It looks like an abandoned building. I see I'm in a hall, an old rotten torn up hall. It smells of mold and death. I look up at wall to my left and see a window. It's night time, moon and stars shining.

"Where am I?" I whisper to myself. I hear something behind me and turn to see a person. A man to be exact. He spoke in a low voice.

"Beyby Mental Hospital." He walks closer to me and kneels down to a crouching position and reaches out to touch my head. His hand was cold. He touched my forehead gently with the back of his hand then to where he was cupping my cheek in his palm. "You've gone and gotten yourself hurt. Idiot, I told you not to run off. You know I hate when you don't listen."

His eyes. That's all I see. His dark chocolate eyes, so deep that I could drown. He only look at me. I lean over to hug him and fall in to his chest. I wrap my arms around him and lean my head in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry." Is all I say. He wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head gently on mine.

"Just don't do it again. But you're still going to be punished." After he said that a sharp pain hit my lower stomach. I gasp and squeeze into him. Tears start to stream down my face.

He pulls my hair and moves my head to look at me. I have a pained expression on my face and tears roll down my cheeks. His smile grows as he chuckles and moves the knife up cutting into my side. I don't scream. Just cry. When he stops he lays the knife down and holds the back of my head gently in his hand. He leans in and lays his forehead on mine.

"It's time to wake up Collins."
A/N: well there's the first chapter, or pilot chapter if you wanna call it that. I just thought I would give this a shot. Hope you enjoyed.


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