Chapter III: The great city of Jerasa

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I had never felt so great, as far as I knew. Remembering my own name. To some people, this might sound ridiculous but to me, I couldn't ask for anything else right now. Now, I had an identity, I was an actual person. Despite the fact of my other lost memories.

The sun had already risen and created a beautiful view of the city. Sunlight reflecting on it's white walls. Truly a magnificent site to behold.

We went to the city gate. It was early in the morning, yet somehow there was already a big line of people waiting. Traders, Nobles, even what appeared to be mercenaries of some sort. One of them approached us.

"Greetings." He said. He was short and stocky yet quite muscled. His rough looking face was accompanied by a long braided beard. He was wearing pieces of metal and leather armor with two axes on his sides.

"Ye're not from around here are ye? Ye look lost. Whut bring ye to Jerasa?" He asked in a thick accent I did not recognize.

I looked at Zyra who surprisingly was gone. Where did he go?

"Whut's wrong? Lost yer tung?" The mercenary looked at me with a confused look in his eyes.

"We're... I mean, I'm just passing through, stocking up on supplies." I responded. "I have some other places to be". Technically that wasn't a lie. I shouldn't just tell everything to complete strangers.

The mercenary spoke again "oh, well, while ye're at et, pay a visit to the guildhall. It's une of the most empressive in all of Argaeia. That's where I'm guing."

"I'll consider it." I said.

"The name's Olec."

He reached out his hand and I shook it. He had incredibly strong hand, and nearly crushed mine

"I'm Xerath" I squeaked. I regained my composure, "uhum, it's Xerath."

"Well Xerath, pleasure meeting ye." And with those words he went back to his companions.

"What a friendly lad" A voice said. "A dwarf nonetheless"

"Zyra, is that you? Where the hell did you go?" I was a bit pissed he had ditched me like that.

Zyra replied "Some people are not really fond of creatures like me, they don't really trust me. That's why I'm invisible."

"You never told me you could turn invisible."

"You never asked." Was his response.


"NEXT!" The loud voice of the guard startled me. "State your name and business"

"My name is Xerath, I'm just staying for a few days." I realized now, standing right next to it, how truly immense the wall was.

The guard spoke again "Xerath?" He looked like he was thinking of something. "No last name?"

I shook my head.

The guard thought for a moment, looking at me from bottom to top."Ok, just don't forget when leaving the city to sign off in the office right here." There was a small door in the side of the inner wall.


I walked inside the city. It was a beautiful place. The streets were clean and the houses were well maintained. Traders and common folk walking everywhere, the city was flourishing and it's economy thriving. We walked into a straight line to the central square where a fountain was placed. It was a good place to sit down and overview everything. It surely is a lively place.
I heard a grumbling noise. It was my stomach. I checked my rations, but all the dried meat was already gone. Luckily for me there was a local tavern right here. 'The Proud Peacock'. I Checked inside. It was very crowded, but that could only mean that it had to be be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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