Chapter 4

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Y/n pov

I woke up under the covers of my bed. I could have sworn I had fallen asleep in the studio unless....LEVI.

I look at what I was wearing. He changed me, pervert.

I heard a door shut and some keys drop on the floor. I went a investigated.

I walk out my room to see Levi walking down the stairs. I follow him, of course he sees me.
Y/n: morning pervert
Levi: morning to you to, IM NOT PERVERT.
Levi: so I will see you naked eventually.

I blushed and hid my face.

Levi: anyways why don't you come to the store for my lunch.
Y/n: ok I'll be there.
Levi: alright good cbye brat
Y/n: ya ya bye

After Levi left you went and made some coffee and sat on the couch and watched some tv. Levi had lunch at 11 and it's only 9:00 now.

You decided to go get a shower. You got your clothes and went to the shower. You got in and turned the water on pretty hot. You just stood there letting the hot water relaxe your tense muscles.

I wonder what Levi looks like naked you thought. No no no I can't think like that. But I think I do have a crush on him. That doesn't make it any better y/n you thought again.

You image of him naked flashed through your head. You blushed immediately.

You finally got out of the shower. You looked at the time. 10:00 omg was I seriously in there for an hour holy crap.

You got dressed. You new how to get to his work but since you didn't have a car you had to walk. It wasn't that far but it was lengthy.

You finally got ready and left. You locked the door with the key he gave you of course.

After the long walk to the store you finally arrived. There was a lady working the register. She had short orange hair. She had a smile on her face.

You walked up to her.

Y/n: hi I'm y/n,I'm here to eat lunch with Levi do you no were he is.

Her smile suddenly fell and she looked away.

Pretra: I'm Petra nice to meet you I'm Levi is in the back getting ready for his break he will be back.
Y/n: ok thank you.

Levi's pov

After I left I went to work. I entered and saw Petra smiling at me as I walk in.

It was her second week working here.

Petra: morning Levi.
Levi: tsk brat

I went to the back for on the semi uniform and went to the front to work with Petra.

Petra was rambling on and on about something but I wasn't paying attention.

Petra: Levi LEVI

I turned and looked at her

Petra: is something bothering you
Levi: ya just thinking about the love of my life.

She blushed. Does she really think I like her. Ha, wrong she's to jittery for me.

Petra: ok just wondering.

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