Chapter 2

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*Jazmine's pov*

I woke up in a bed. Someplace I've never been before. When I sat up my neck hurt some much.

" You alright there." someone asked. My head flicked to the other side and I saw a boy with blonde hair and another with brown.

" Who. Who are you?" I asked backing away on the bed.

" I'm Jack Gilinsky." One said.
" And I'm Jack Johnson." The other told me. Wait. Jack Johnson.

" You were the one at the party last night." I said to him.

" You. But it's the same night little lady." He said. I was so angry. I don't know why honestly. But something in my head told me that he did something wrong. Then I felt my heck. There were to holes and dry blood on it.

" Wtf you bit me." I said. He gave me a cheesy smile. He nodded. Then my body felt weak and I was super hungry.

" She needs food." the Jack the brown hair said. I looked up and smelled something really good.

" She can have pack blood yet she's just a newborn." Jack Johnson said.

" Do you smell that?" I asked. The guys looked confused. I closed my eyes a saw a boy about 19 walking in the forest behind the house. I didn't know what I was doing I just ran and all I did was take 2 steps really. I walked behind a tree and saw him walking down the runway listening to music.

I sped over to him pushing his into a tree.

" Woah there beautiful." He said. I smiled innocently, then hissed popping out my fangs digging them into his neck.

He screamed in pain as I sucked his blood. When I was not hungry anymore I retracted my teeth and let his body go. He tasted so good. His lifeless body fell to the ground. I licked the access blood from my lips.

" Well. Looks like she has it under control." I heard. I felt a twitch in my eye and my veins started popping out if my neck. I turned to see Jack J, Jack G and a few other boys.

" Woah." They said. I looked at all of them and my eyes stopped at a young boy. He looked about a year younger then me. I smiled at him. He smirked back and showed his fangs.

" Who are they?" I asked. I felt my body go back to normal.

" Theses are my friends." Johnson said.

" The little one is cute." I said. He is about an inch taller.

" and the one in the shirt with a musical note on it."

" Slut." I heard someone say. I was so angry. Everyone calls me a slut. OK I may be... But u don't have to tell me. My dad used to call me that. He even tried to rape me. My blood boiled. I felt the twitch in my eyes again and my veins, fangs and claws popped out.

" Who said that?" I asked. No one said anything. Then idk what happened next but they all covered their ears and were on the ground.

" It was me OK." I heard. Then they all uncovered their ears and stood up. I sped to the boy that says it and pushed him against a tree.

" And what might your name be?" I asked.

" T-Taylor." He told me. I stared deeply into his eyes. His eyes filled with lust.

" Call me a slut again. And Ill have u begging for mercy." I whispered. He nodded and I let him go and sits back to Johnson. All the guys watched as Taylor stood in a trance.

" She even more powerful than I thought." A boy with brown hair in a quiff and blue eyes said. He looks like the younger one.

" She's still a newborn and needs to be trained." He continued. Then I sensed something come towards me. I quickly pulled my hand up and grabbed it. It was a rock. I turned and saw An Asian boy with black hair and pale skin like the rest.

I growled at him and turned to him.

" Fast reflexes to. How long has she been out here." The boy with blue eyes said.

" about 29 minutes." Johnson said.

"" He said I felt light headed and then everything went black.

* Johnson's pov"

" Jazzy." I said add I held her. I shook her a bit. No response.

" Nash?" I said.

" Don't worry. 30 minutes between a newborns first feeding it has to revive if it's energy." Nash told me.

" What did u mean she's even more powerful than you thought?"

" She's stronger than All of us. She has many powers and mental and physical strength abilities.

1.) Mental strength: Can hypnotize or put someone in a love trance.

2.) Mental strength: She can seen what others see if she really things about it.

3.) Power: She Is stronger than most vampires... Most of anything. She best at strength and combat

4.) Physical strength: She can tap u and u can become paralyzed.

5.) Power: She can change someone's sight into something else as in a different setting than it really is

6.) Power: She can make electric currents flow through your body and whatever she is touching. (if she is touching u at the time. I feel really bad for u)

7.) Mental Strength: She can control things with her mind.

8.) Mental Strength: Her senses are really strong

9.) Power: With a deep death stare into your eyes she can hurt or stop you in anyway.

10.) Power: She is can control and read your mind at anytime. She has Tactile telepathy.

11.) Power: She can trance or trap u with a song.

12.) Mental Strength: She has a Mental shield that can protect anybody at anytime.

13.) Power: She can see into the future.

14.) Power: Pain illusion. She can make anyone think of pain and they will think they feel it when nothing is really happening. It sterilizes the way they think.

15.) Power: Physical attraction. Her physical features are supported by her power to be physically appealing to both human and vampire. When she tries to feel attractive, those who try to resist will have a difficult time ignoring her attraction.

16.) Power: her gifts seem to be the opposite versions of her biters abilities. She has the power to break through mental shields, and project her visions and thoughts into others by making physical contact with them

And that's about it. If she isn't trained or taken care of till she isn't a newborn anymore she could die." He told me. I looked down at Jazmine as her head hung back and I had her bridal style.

" Let's go back to the warehouse. When she wakes she has to feed then we train her. 1.) fighting/combat." Gilinsky said. We all nodded and Carter took Taylor out of his trance with a spell. He snapped out of it.

" OK she's a babe." Taylor said.

" Back off Caniff." I said.

" Oooo someone has a crush." He said.

" Well.... She is my mate." I said. Everyone was shocked.

" But she won't know what or who her mate is till she is at, at least at a high level in her newborn stage." Aaron said.

" And I'm gonna help her with that." I said. Then we all sped off to the warehouse.

1234 words not including this

Hope u liked it. Ill be updating this often

(Ask Me if I do this everyday I said Often)

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Thx for reading. Cya -RoseWriter

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