Chapter Four: Friends in Low Places

Start from the beginning

"Ignore her, honey, she's a tweaker." The white faced one smiled at me and I shuddered slightly at the feeling the smile gave me. The beast growled low in my head and I shook it slightly, trying to rid myself of the sound.

"We are all tweakers." The bleeding one spoke and I glanced around the group, there were about five of them and from their attire it wasn't hard to figure out they were prostitutes. I had never seen a prostitutes before, I knew there had been some in IronTown but I had never seen them. Prostitution was illegal on Haven. Now on the downworld I was seeing them on every street corner.

"Nah, I know how to ration my pay. You use it all and suffer for the next two weeks." The white faced one's gaze turned to to the bleeding one, who snarled dangerously. I shuffled away from them slightly.

"You have a problem with me, bitch?" Her face cracked and I watched as it jutted out slightly, animalistic features growing quickly as the beast pushed forward.

"Yah I do, you tweaker whore." She launched at her and I bit back a gasp as they started throwing punches at each other. The fight was violent, brutal and bloody. I couldn't look away. Faces were slashed with deadly claws and without warning all the women jumped in. I stared with wide eyes until I was shoved aside roughly. I clutched tighter to the package

"Get the fuck out of here! This ain't some fucking sideshow." It was a large burly man covered in tattoos that spat a large gob of mucus as my feet. "Fucking mongrels." I didn't need to be told twice as I bolted. My heart thudded uncomfortably in my chest as I ran away from the situation. These creatures were violent and brutal. I didn't belong with them. I didn't belong down on the surface.

My feet slapped against the pavement rhythmically as I ran away from it all. My heart was beating rapidly against my rib cage as my breathing turned ragged. The gps beeped rapidly and I skidded to a stop to look at it. I had deviated off of the path. I took a moment to breathe before I turned around and tried to find the street I had missed in my blind run. The sky was still light out, that was one thing I was thankful for. I didn't know if I wanted to be out on the streets when it was dark out.

I found the street a block down and turned onto it with a sigh. I shifted the package to my other hand and shook out my cramping one. I must have had a death grip on it from how badly my hand was aching. I looked around warily. The beast's emotions were fuelling my own. Its paranoia was my own, its fear was my fear, and its anger was everything. It was terrifying how quickly it had began to change me. I didn't want to change but even I knew it was too late for that. Until I paid off my debt to Octavia I knew there was no hope for me to get rid of the beast. The scientists on Haven had to have a vaccine or an antidote to get rid of it. That was all I had hope for.

I looked down at the gps and realized I was getting closer to the end of the route. I let out a shaky breath as I looked up, searching for what could be my destination. There was a red glow down the street and I realized, from the practically naked girls dancing in front of it, that it was a strip club. I had heard of them but looking at them I felt my stomach churn slightly at the thought of all those men leering at half dressed women. I glanced at the gps again and sighed in relief when I realized it took me away from the front of the building.

That was short lived when I realized it took me to an empty alleyway. I swallowed slightly as I stared at it with wide eyes. I was scared, terrified really but I was human, it was a natural response to the unknown. The beast inside of me whined and I had the impression of tongue licking bared teeth, agitation. I slowly started down the alleyway, it felt like my ears were twitching, searching out sounds. I reached a gate when the gps cut out. I stared at the metal gate warily before I hesitantly knocked. After a few seconds the door opened, a middle aged man opened it and stared down at me with a slight sneer.

The Wild Hunt (Downworlder Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now