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Mark slowly awoke to the feeling of the bright morning sun on his skin and the feeling of fresh air in his lungs. He sat up in his bed, tiredly wiping his eyes, and suddenly realized he wasn't in his own bed. His eyes shot completely open and upon further inspection, he noticed he wasn't in his own room either. He was outside, in an open field. Had he been sleep walking? It was a possibility, but he hadn't remembered doing anything like it before. Looking further at his surroundings, there seemed to be a small farm, a short distance away. While walking towards the farm Mark couldn't help but have a sense of familiarity; however he was almost positive he'd never been here before.

Finally arriving at the small farm, he noticed a sign that read The Promise Land  he also noticed that the animals on the farm were mainly sheep, with the exception of a few goats and alpacas. Do they even have animals like this in California? Mark thought, I mean this doesn't look like any zoo I've ever seen. Mark started to get anxious, wondering for how long exactly he had been out here in the middle of nowhere. He shook the worry out of his mind and decided to take things one step at a time, deciding to ask for help first. He neared a small hut that from the outside, didn't look like much more than a shed but the space was adequate enough to shelter a man and his important belongings. The entry door and single window seemed like it provided enough lighting for the room within the day and have to use candles and a fireplace during the night. Mark walked up to the door and not even two knocks in, the owner of the farm answered the door, "Hello foreign traveler! How may I assist you on this day?" he said happily. Mark stared at the owner, dumbfounded. The curly haired man wore the strangest clothes he'd ever seen. The stranger was clothed in a very loose, baggy gray sweater that he had tucked ever so neatly into his red and black plaid pants. As the man stepped closer and closer into the light of the sun, he was greeted with a familiar face, "...Danny?"

Danny's eyes widened suddenly at his name, quickly slamming the door in Mark's face. Mark began banging on the door, confused as to where he was and what was happening in general. "Danny! What the hell man?!?" "How in oblivion do you know my name?!?" Danny shouted, just as confused as Mark was. "It's me, Danny! It's Mark!" "Well... Mark you still haven't come forth with how you know my name!" "I'm one of your best friends man, of course I would know your name!" He yelled and continuously banged on the door, desperately trying to get his friend to remember.

After ten minutes of very loud convincing and beating up the door, Danny, reluctantly, let Mark inside. Danny led Mark to a small table that was obviously made by hand and had been in use for a very long time. Mark looked around the rest of the house, or rather hut, and noticed that Danny didn't have half of his worldly possessions, such as his NSP and Starbomb posters along with his ever so 'famous' blue and gold kimono. They both took a seat at the table. Mark stressfully ran his hands through his hair because that is all he knew what to do in this situation.

They sat in complete silence until suddenly, Mark was when flooded with questions. "So, where did thou come from and why art thou here?" Danny asked. Mark stopped pulling out his hair and slowly looked up at him, "Well where I came from was my house in California and I don't know why I'm here I dON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE 'HERE' IS!!!" Mark shouted and began to pull even harder at his hair. Danny stood up from his seat going over to comfort the sobbing red haired man that had earlier claimed to be "one of his best friends".

Suddenly, something struck Danny and he rushed over to his bookshelf frantically looking for a specific book. Mark wiped his eyes and looked up at him confused and questioned, "What are you looking so frantically for?" Danny completely ignored Mark and continued to search the shelves, ripping practically all the books off the shelves creating a mountain of books on the floor. Then, he held up one book that seemed to have a greater importance than all the rest. It had a golden crest on it that had two pugs in the center of it. He stared at this book in complete silence, which seemed to last forever. When finally Danny brought it to the table he practically slammed it down, startling Mark because of the sudden noise. Why is this damn book so important anyway? Mark thought to himself. As Danny started flipping through the pages of the aged dusty book, he noticed a few loose slips of folded paper in the book. One specifically caught his eye. It was an ad that had 'NAKED WOMEN XXX' written very clearly it, and what seemed to be drawings of three naked women. Mark chuckled to himself lightly, he found it a little reassuring knowing at least in this crazy place Danny was still typical Danny.

The book slammed down to one specific page, snapping Mark out of his thoughts. At first glance, Mark wasn't sure exactly what this was, or how why the hell it made Danny so frantic and distraught. At first glance he noticed that there was a beautiful kingdom in the background, as well as a small village to accompany it in the foreground. Upon further inspection, however, he began to notice small details about this picture. The first thing he noticed was the in the center of the illustration, there was a very important swordsman, all armored up ready for a battle. Behind the swordsman stood a group of people, roughly 15 of them, seeming to cheer behind the triumphant man. One of those including a person very clearly resembling Danny, however there was another detail that startled him. It was the triumphant man in the foreground. The man had red hair, very similar to his own. "Danny...what...IS this exactly?" asked Mark reluctantly, unsure if he really wanted the answer. "This, my friend," Danny said confidently, "Is the prophecy. It seems that you are here for a purpose" "Woah woah woah..." Mark stopped him suddenly.

"Danny, what kind of purpose are we talking about here?"

"One bigger than you can imagine."

*************AUTHOR'S     NOTE***************

I hope y'all are loving the story so far because sweet lord jesus it took forever to come up with this idea and actually carry it out. We're also gonna make chapters as often as possible but also make them really top quality.

And what do y'all think Mark is destined to do?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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