"You did this" Was all Delia could say. Slap. Before anyone could do anything, Delia's hand made a sharp bunt contact with the sister's face. Her hand cracked across the sister's face, snapping it back with the force of her blow and causing the sisters head to reel sickeningly as it slammed back into the tense air behind her. Delia wanted to feel bad with all that sister Mary Cynthia had gone through she didn't deserve to be slapped but at that moment Delia had no control of her actions. Tears rolled down her face, and her whole body shook, she didn't even know what the sister was saying to her in the office but she didn't care – she knew it wouldn't be good.

Trixie grabbed Delia and held her, while she just cried that was all they could do and no one could blame her.

"You brought this pain apone one's self" Sister Monica Joan said, but she wasn't looking at Delia who was in tears, she was looking at her fellow sister who held her face in both pain and shock.

"It's a sin" Sister Mary Cynthia quivered back in response

"Come on Delia, let me take you upstairs" Trixie said avoiding responding to either sisters, she knew that she loved Delia and Patsy but she wasn't religious, she didn't have the same views as the nuns , so she didn't feel it was her place to comment especially since she snapped at Cynthia yesterday over what was her beliefs. Delia didn't speak, she just let Trixie hold her and guide her up the stairs into the room that Trixie shared with Patsy.

The truth was she didn't know what to say, she had never slapped someone like that, she had never slapped someone with so much anger ,so much rage and at the moment her hand hit the face she was filled with so much hatred. She had been so hidden, so alone for so long – the she met Patsy and everything made sense. After the accident she didn't think anything would ever make sense again. When it finally did she was so happy and she couldn't understand why someone would want to take that away from her. Why would someone want to take away the one person that made her world make sense?

Meanwhile Patsy had no idea what Delia had done, not that she would have stopped her, she had just as much anger for Sister Mary Cynthia as Delia did!

"Nurse Mount" Sister Julienne said, breaking the silence that had followed them in to the normally chatty office. "I don't know what you were thinking, calling in sick. They gave you that post in the London out of kindness and you think it's acceptable to phone in sick..."

"Sorry Sister" Patsy cut in to say which made the sister even more annoyed much to Patsy's horror

"Not only that nurse Mount you then spend you day with Nurse Busby- with recent rumors that are going around and what you told Sister Mary Cynthia" Patsy's heart sunk when she heard that sister Mary Cynthia has picked faith over friendship – she had picked the nun and god over one of her friends and her happiness. Patsy didn't know what to say, well she knew exactly what she wanted to say – she just knew that it wouldn't help the situation.

"I don't know what you want me to say sister" Patsy replied. She wasn't going to come out with some heartfelt apology , saying how deeply sorry she was because she wasn't sorry an she wasn't going to lie anymore – she was sick of living a lie when her lie wasn't hurting anyone but everyone was hurting her.

"Well..." Sister Julienne said, starting to speak before Patsy cut in filled with a new lease of life, a new lease of passion.

"You can think what you want about me and Delia but we have both been through a lot if you don't mind me saying- we aren't hurting anyone but you have already taken midwifery away from me, if you don't want me here I will more than happily pack my bag and find another job because I am a midwife. In fact I'm a very good midwife." Patsy spoke fast in an attempt to not only say everything she wanted to say but also so she didn't stutter and make her point look any less valid.

"You are a very good midwife but what you're doing..." Sister paused for a moment trying to work out way not to offend Nurse Mount more than she already have to because while she couldn't condone what she was doing she still cared deeply about the redheaded nurse and her welsh friend.

"... The lifestyle you have decided to pursue, you can't do that and be a midwife"

"Well I was doing it alright before everyone stuck there nose in and decided I will the biggest sinner since Hitler." This while patsy never said it to Sister Julienne, this was her admission and the sister knew that.

"Then I'm afraid you are going to have to leave us Nurse Mount -  be out by Monday" There was a sadness in her voice. Sister Julienne tried to stick to the rules, and this was what had happened, he was going to lose a perfectly good midwife.

"I'm sorry Nurse Mount" Was all sister Julienne could say. There was a small hint of emotion in the sister's voice but she was trying to stand strong. The rules were there for a reason. That's what she had to keep telling herself anyway.

"So am I Sister, so am I. "Patsy didn't cry, she had wasted so many tears on feelings in the last few weeks, she had no tears left. Her eyes were dry. The feelings flowing through her body were unreal. Her brain wasn't processing as much as she wanted to try and rationalize the events in the office but she couldn't. She couldn't face the fact that she had 4 days until she would be leaving but she didn't have a plan, nowhere to go. Nothing but Delia. Delia was love and love was irrational and stupid. Patsy didn't really understand what that meant until she had met Delia but now, crazy irrational things seemed to make so much more sense.


Have prewritten next chapter due out Tuesday.

Please tell me what you think

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