I hear a knock on the closet door and it opens. "You're done, right?" Ethan asked. "No, I'm naked." I lied. "AH!" He screamed and closed his eyes. I laughed and walked up to him, I put my arm around his shoulder and walked out of my closet. I walked downstairs with Ethan and walked into the kitchen. "Bye mom, love you." I said and left the house.

~At School~

"Ethan stop! Stop!" I laughed. "STOP!" I yelled once more before I pushed him away. "Why do you have to do that every day?" I asked as we sit at lunch. I was trying to eat, but Ethan kept on tickling me. "Stop flirting and just eat." Logan complained. I rolled my eyes and kept on eating. I looked up and saw Noah staring at us, but then he looked away. "Hey Noah, why aren't you eating?" I asked. "Not hungry." He replied and stood up, he started walking away. I stood up and caught up with him. "What is up with you." I said while pulling his shoulder back. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You haven't been eating, you've been upset, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing, just leave me alone." He said and walked off.

~After School~

"Noah, please talk to me. Noah! NOAH!" I screamed as I followed him to his car. "What! What! WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" He screamed. "Why won't you talk to me..." I asked. "Just leave me alone." He said and got into his car. He didn't leave, he waited for me to leave. I saw Ethan and I walked up to him and kissed him. I don't know why, but I did. Noah got out of his car and pulled me away. "What the fuck?" I yelled as he picked me up and pushed me toward his car. "What was that?" He yelled. "What?" I asked. "You know what I am talking about." He said. "No, I don't." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "STOP!" He yelled. "STOP SCREAMING AT ME!" I yelled back. He didn't say anything, just started the car and took me home.

~6 P.M.~

"Dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I got off of my bed and grabbed my phone and put my laptop away. Before I left I saw that Ethan was still laying on his bed. "Aren't you going to eat?" I asked. "Why did you kiss me?" He asked. "I am so sorry about that." I said. "Why did you do it?" He asked. "I don't know..." I said. "Lets go eat." He said and I went downstairs with him. When I was walking down the steps I saw a bloody faced Noah. I ran up to him and he looked away from me. "What happened?" I asked. No response. "Answer me." I said. No response. I took his hand and went downstairs.

I pulled Noah out front. "What the fuck happened!?" I asked. "M- My mom came back." He said. "What?" I asked. "She's back." He said with a tear coming down his face. I hugged him and he hugged back.

I brought him back inside into the living room and laid down with him. I noticed he fell asleep and I went to sleep in his arms on the couch.

~2 Months Later~

"NICOLE!" Mason yelled. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! "Why did you tell Malissa that?" Mason asked. "I did nothing wrong. Just told her the truth." I said and walked away. I saw Malissa smile at me and watched Mason pick at his pimple. Maybe next time he won't steal my cover-up. Malissa is my girl best friend/ Mason's girlfriend. Malissa and I laughed at Mason as he picked at his pimple. "Malissa! You're mom is here!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Oh yeah, and someone is here to visit you." She said. I waled downstairs with Malissa and when she opened the door I saw someone I've been missing for the longest time: Jacob. I hugged Jacob and he smiled. "Ugh..." Malissa said. "What?" I asked. "Wait... That's the girl you wouldn't shut up about?" She asked. Jacob blushed and looked up. "I wasn't always talking about her." Jacob defended. I laughed and pulled away from him. "Hey Jake!"  I heard Ethan say from behind me. "Long time, bud." He said. "Yeah" Ethan laughed. Ethan put his arm around me and Jacob frowned. "So.. You two a thing?" He asked. "Oh. No no." I smiled.

Malissa and Jacob had to go home and I went into Ethan and my room and watched Netflix with ice cream. "Babe" I looked over and saw my brother on the phone in the hall. "No" He said. "Fine" He said before walking into my room and putting the phone on speaker. "Baby girl?" I heard my best friend call me that stupid nickname. "Yeah?" I asked. "Wanna come over? Like a sleepover?" She asked. "I can't." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Ethan" I replied and ate more ice cream. Ethan walked in and took my spoon and started eating my ice cream. "That's mine." I whined. "Ours" He said and fed me some ice cream. "Bitch" I mumbled and ate the ice cream. "You love me." He said. "Ethan!" I heard Malissa scream into the phone. "What?" He asked. "Sleepover?" She asked. "Ugh..." Ethan looked at me with a confused expression. "If Nicole comes?" She asked. "Nicole?" Ethan asked me. "I'm going if you are." I said and Malissa screamed. "JACOB THAT WAS COLD!" She screamed. I laughed and so did Ethan and Mason. "Not funny guys! Jacob just dumped freezing cold water on me." She complained. "So are you guys coming?" She asked. "Yeah" I said and she squealed. "JACOB I SWEAR TO GOD! I WILL CHOP YOUR DICK OFF!" She screamed. I heard laughing and something being thrown. "Calm your no tits." I heard Jacob say. "I am helping you, so shut the fuck up!" She yelled. "I'll come pick you up, be ready." She said and hung up. Then I noticed that Mason was gone. He soon entered the door without pants. "Put some pants on." I said. "Nah" He said and took his phone. I started packing my stuff when the doorbell went off. I ran to the door and was pushed against the wall. I noticed that it was Logan and Noah. Noah was holding me off and Logan was watching us. "We have to talk." Noah said. I ignored him and tried to get out of his grip. "Let me go." I said. I saw Malissa and Jacob come inside and soon enough Noah was off of me. "Hey man!" Logan said. "Hey" Jacob said. I felt someone hug me and when he did something went into my pocket and then I took Malissa upstairs. I took the paper out and right away I knew it was Noah's hand writing. I opened the note and it read: 

Baby Penguin,

   I'm sorry, but we can't talk anymore, I love you.. <3 

~Baby Panda

I ran down the steps and saw Noah on the couch. I ran to him and jumped on top of him. "Please say that was a joke?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He didn't say anything just pushed me away and I grabbed his arm. "What?" He asked. "What the f*ck was that about!?" I ask throwing the paper at him. He sighed and pulled me into the kitchen. "I'm sorry. We just can't talk anymore." He said looking into my eyes. "No" I said. "What?" He asked. "No, you're not going to leave me. You're my best friend, Noah." I said. "No, Ethan is." He said and left. I ran upstairs and cried. "What's wrong?" Malissa asked. "N-Nothing" I stuttered. I saw Jacob come into the room and I ran into my room. I can do this, no I can't. I cried and cried and then there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Someone you hate." I heard Logan say. I opened the door and saw Noah behind him. Logan came inside and wiped away my tears. "Do you like Ethan?" He asked. What the f*ck!? Is he just in here to get me upset!? "No" I answered and he sighed in relief. "Tell Noah that." He said and left. Why would Noah even care?

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