Love You More

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Chapter 1: It was getting close to midnight and I was still stuck at this party. I had been there the past 4 hours. I was ready to leave. I could tell he noticed. Aston looked at me and smiled, whispering in my ear, "Let's get out of here." He took my hand and we walked out to his car. Thirty min later we pulled up at his flat. He got out and came around opening my door,"Comeon babe." He helped me out and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him, my arms around his neck as we went to his front door, my head on his shoulder. He unlocked the door taking us inside. He kicked the door shut turning on the living room light as we walked by. "Tired?" he asked holding me. "Kind of," I answered. "Let's go to bed then." I smiled into his shoulder. Aston carried me into his room locking the door.  He laid me down pulling back the covers. "Aston?" "Yeah babe?" I put my arms out and he smiled. He knew what it meant. I felt his arms go around me as he turned me towards him on the bed. "I love you Marina." "I love you too Aston." He put his finger under my chin and leaned in towards me so I closed my eyes. His lips met mine. It felt like a million fireworks going off at once. His kisses gave me chills even after 3 and half years together. I kissed him back and I could feel him smile against my lips. His mouth felt so good on mine. His hands started moving up and down my sides, through my hair, down my face. "You're amazing," he whispered brushing his hand against my cheek. I smiled, "you are too. Very amazing." He sat up and took off his tank top throwing it into the dark. He lay back down next to me in his blue jeans and beanie. His hands reached on both my sides and slowly pulled up my shirt pulling it over my head.  It went flying somewhere in the corner of the room. Aston started kissing my neck working his way down to my shoulder and back up again. I started laughing, "Aston, what are you doing?" "Kissing you all over." He laughed smiling at me. He climbed off the bed and walked around standing at the foot of the bed. "Come on..... Come here."God, how I loved his accent, probably only because I'm from America. He motioned his hands towards me, giving me that sweet look, his gorgeous brown eyes. I got up and walked over towards him, "I'm not going to be that easy to catch this time Mr. Merrygold." "Is that so?" he asked raising his eyebrows at me smiling. "Yeah. That's so. You're going to have to work for it." I moved quickly off the bed opening the bedroom door and running out. I heard him follow after me but all the lights were out so he couldn't find me that easily. I tried to move as quietly as I could into the kitchen. I didn't hear Aston. I called out to him but he didn't answer. I got in between the dishwasher and fridge. I waited a couple minutes still nothing. I started thinking I had to tell him what I'd been thinking of. He had a right to know. I figured he'd given up and gone back to the bedroom. I walked out into the middle of the kitchen. I should have known he wouldn't give up that easily. I felt him grab me, "gotcha." Aston trailed kisses up and down my neck. He picked me up, sitting me on the counter. I pulled him in close to me once again wrapping my legs around him. Our foreheads were touching I felt him smiling. "Ast. I love you. You know that." "I know babe. I love you too. More than anything." "Ok and you know we've been together 3 and a half years so far." "Yeah," he laughed," I know babe. What's on your mind?" He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Well, you know how we talked about waiting. Cause I said I wasn't ready. And that I was nervous and stuff....." "Yeah, I remember. I'm still okay with waiting some more. I don't want to pressure you..... Samantha, what are you trying to say? You're kind of confusing me." "I'm trying to say that I'm ready. I want to. I love you Aston....I want to give myself to you. I want you to make love to me. I think we've waited long enough."  He looked at me, "Are you sure?" "Yeah. I know what I want now. I want you."  I smiled and he smiled back. He hugged me just holding me for a long time. He walked me backwards back into his room and laid me down in the bed. He laid back down next to me, "Samantha?"  "Yeah?" I answered back. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to." "I want to. I'm sure." "When?" "Tomorrow night." He smiled, "Alright babe. Tomorrow night."  I moved close to him under the covers and he wrapped his arms around me. Then he started singing to me just like he did every night when I was falling asleep.... thought I couldn't want you more than I did before but every day I love you a little bit more find myself askin what are you waitin for cause every day I love you a little bit more...still you catch me by surprise when I look in your eyes when you turn and say that you love me...I love you more...

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