chapter 6

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*marks p.o.v.*

After Logan left the class started walking in and sitting in there desks and soon the bell rings I still had a Hugh smile on my face
"Why are you so happy Mr. Kane" a random student asked me
"Had a fun night that's all"
"Story story story story " all the kids started chanting
"Ok ok I went a friends and I got to meet there daughter and we all had a really good time"
"Friend as in lover or just a friend" a girls with a black shirt on said I think her name is shelby
"Idk yet I got to see where it gos"
"Have you guys kissed yet what's there name"
"Um yes we have kissed and I can't say the name of the person sorry ok well todays lesson is" I was starting our lesson when an office kid came in
"Here's a note" the kid said. I opened the note and smiled it was from Logan it said
Meet me in my office at lunch need to "talk"_ to you about the evaluation ;)
-Logan <3
the kids most of noticed it was from my lover because Shelby asked
"Is it from your lover"
"Yes it is"
"Oooohhhh what dose it say"
"Thats not a thing u can say ok back to our lesson"

*at lunch logans p.o.v.*

I was waiting for mark to come to my office so I was playing on my phone when I got a text from Rachael
R- go to the hospital kaylee fell and needs stitches oh and she crying for mark
L- on my way be there in 5
R-ok hurry
I ran as fast as j could to marks class and kids were giving me weird loiks . I ran into his class him still in his last period before lunch 5 mins left
"Mark we need to go Kaylee's in the hospital shes asking for you"
"Ok kids come with me I'll drop you off at Mrs boehms class"
All the kids get up and we take them to boehms class and we rush to the hospital where we see Rachael and kaylee. Kaylee has puffy eyes from crying and she's cradled in Rachael's lap holding her head she sees us and crys for me
"Omg baby girl you ok" I say taking her from Rachael and holding her tight to me she nodds
"Mark where is he" kaylee said
"Right here" mark said stepping beside me as he rubbed her back her still in my arms not going anywhere any time soon
"Kaylee" a young lady around her 30s calls kaylee
"Come this way" she said walking to a room me mark and Rachael follow behind
"It hurts daddy" kaylee says sniffling
"I know"
A little bit later the docker sows her head up and Rachael had to leave so kaylee had to come to work with me we still had 4 periods left so me and mark went back to work. We walk in and all three go to my office kaylee now in marks arms
"Hey Brittany" I said waling into the office followed by mark. Brittany came from behind the counter to see kaylee
"Awww what happened"
"I hit my head" kaylee said barring her face in marks chest
"Aww is mark helping you out"
"Yes daddy has to go to a meeting so I'm staying with mark"
Ok well you have fun"
"Well take her to your class I'll come get her after my meeting is done" I said kissing kaylees cheek and not thinking marks lips I blushed and left toy meeting.

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