Chapter 1 ~ Sherlock Holmes

Start from the beginning

"How about that one?" i asked

"Yep, you can be in that one." he said clicking the box on the screen.

"do you have any music classes?' I asked

"Yes, we do. Do you play an instrament?" he asked me

"Yeah I play the cello." I replied

"We have an Orchestra course, you want to be in that?" he asks.

"Yeah, do you have a Chemistry class?" i ask

"Yes, do you want Chemistry 1 or 2?" he asks

"Umm... Chemistry 2 I like a challenge." I said

"Good, Challenging yourself is good." he said

about a half hour later...

Mike opened the door for me as we walked out of the councilor's office. I looked at my schedule; first period I had : Art

second: English 3C

third: Medical Terminology


Fourth: Calculus

Fith: Chemistry 2

Sixth: Orchestra

A half an hour later...

Mike then took me to his house where Jennifer had prepared lunch, and put my luggage in my new room.

After lunch, Jennifer told me to relax for the rest of the day, so I went into my new room and unpacked my things, then I read a book till dinner time. After dinner I got dressed in my PJ's and went to bed.

The next morning...

After I woke up, I got dressed in some jeans and a black T-shirt, then packed my bag and got in the car to go to school.

Once I got to school, I walked in the door, I wasnt surprised to see everyone staring at me, afterall I was the new kid. I quickly found my locker, #627 and went to class.

Art went by quickly, as did English, I didnt meet anyone until I went into Medical Terminology.

The last five minutes of class, about an hour later...

"So you're from London right?" A voice asked me, it came from a girl with short brown hair and green eyes.

"Yeah." I replied as the bell rang.

"do you want to sit at my table at Lunch? she asked me.

"Sure." I replied.

so I sat with her and her friends at lunch I found out her name was Maggie, and she was the same age I was.

The bell rang to go to class at 12:20 I walked through the hall looking for my Calculus class, when I saw a big group of guys surrounding a corner. I got closer and looked at what they were surrounding. All I could see was a white button up shirt. The guys at the front of the pack were yelling, " Freak!" and "Loser", the rest of the group was just laughing. I got a better glance, it was a guy pushed in the corner, his head was down looking at the floor.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted.

All of the guys in the pack turned and looked at me, the guy in the corner looked up.

"You heard me. I said leave, him, alone." I stated again.

"Aww the freak got him self a girlfriend, and she's from London too." the packs leader stated, his whole group laughed. I just glared evily at him.

"Come on lets give them some private time." he said sarcastically, laughing as he led his pack down the hallway.

The guy in the corner stood up straight, he looked at me, his light blue eyes staring into mine. I felt my heart start to race as he stepped closer, his jet black curly hair bouncing every step he took. He had high cheek bones,that cast shadows on his cheeks when he walked under the light. He stopped about two feet away from me, looking around six feet tall I had to look up to see his face.

"Thank you." He said simply, he was english, like me.

His voice was deep, it made me shiver.

"You're... You're... welcome." I said stuttering, not being able to think straight.

He walked past me, I stood there frozen, but gradually turned around and followed him down the hallway.

I followed him into Calculus, and I sat by him at an empty table.

"I'm Iris Adair, what's your name?" I asked, waiting to hear his voice.

"Sherlock," he stated," Sherlock Holmes."

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