Crush ( Raura )

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Laura Marie Marano, 18 year old school girl who has a crush on her cute best friend, Ross Shor Lynch! If only i could stop liking him! He has a girlfriend named Courtney but i like him a lot..

" Okay, Laura calm down, eveything will be a-okay! " My sister, Vanessa Nicole Marano calms me down from raging, " How are you so sure Vanessa? " I say looking at her.

" I've been through tough times like this. " She says smiling at me. Ugh, easy for her to say, " That's easy for you to say! You just say that because your dating Ross's older brother! Riker! " I yell at her.

" Laura! Don't yell at me! " She exclaims, Ugh.. she just gets on my nerves alot, " Sorry Ness. You just don't know how it feels! " I say to her with sad eyes, " Enough with that drama! The Lynch's are coming over with their girlfriends.. " She says helping me up.

" I don't think i can do this Nessa, i mean Ross has a girlfriend who totally hates me! I'm just gonna stay in my room! " I say to Vanessa.. I'm just wearing PJ's and i'm wearing a messy bun while Vanessa is wearing a blue sparkly dress and her haired is perfectly curled.

" You can do this Laura! Remember what you did to Shaun? " She says raising her brow.. Shaun was my ex who I DUMPED. Yes i dumped him, " I do remember.. I'll be here just not downstairs! I'll dress up but i'll be here only. " I say looking at Nessa.

" What are you gonna dress up for then if your just gonna stay here in your room?! Grow up Laura! You gotta realize in your life that Ross isn't gonna like you!! SO STOP FORCING YOURSELF WITH HIM! " Vanessa yells at me while standing up. " GIRLS THE LYNCH'S WILL BE HERE IN 10 MINUTES! " My mom yells from downstairs, " Look! I gotta go! Make sure your dressed! " Vanessa exclaims then walks out the door.

I make my way to the bathroom.. I'm useless and ugly.. Why would he ever like me?! Vanessa is totally right, Ross would never like me! I got dressed.. I was too lazy to curl my hair so i put it on a braid

Laura's OUTFIT

Vanessa's OUTFIT

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Vanessa's OUTFIT

I walked downstairs and i saw Vanessa sitting on the couch and mom cooking

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I walked downstairs and i saw Vanessa sitting on the couch and mom cooking..

The doorbell rung.. SHIT!

Vanessa stood up and dusted her dress and opened the door.. There, i saw some people who i do not want to see...

Ross Lynch and Courtney Eaton holding hands

Courtney's OUTFIT

( As you guys know, i rlly do hate Courtney, i just put her outfit because i see her wearing this in the future )

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( As you guys know, i rlly do hate Courtney, i just put her outfit because i see her wearing this in the future )


Rydel walked in first because she was so excited to see me and Vanessa and she hugged us and we hugged back then we pulled away, " HEY GIRLS!!! " Rydel squeals, " Hey Rydel! " I say smiling, " Oh my Lord Rydel!!! YOU LOOK GORGEOUS! " Vanessa squeals

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Rydel walked in first because she was so excited to see me and Vanessa and she hugged us and we hugged back then we pulled away, " HEY GIRLS!!! " Rydel squeals, " Hey Rydel! " I say smiling, " Oh my Lord Rydel!!! YOU LOOK GORGEOUS! " Vanessa squeals

" Oh! Pink is my signature color! " Rydel says while doing a hair flip then we all laugh, " BUT, LAURA YOU LOOK FANTASTIC! WAIT NOT FANTASTIC! FABULOUS AND GORGEOUS ARE THE WORDS! " Rydel squeals, " YOU LOOK AMAZING AND FABULOUS TOO VANESSA! " Rydel squeals again.

" Thanks Del, you look Gorgeous yourself! " I say looking at her, someone spotted my eye though.. I looked behind Rydel to see Courtney glaring at me and Ross's hands and hers were interwined.. I just sigh and focused on The girls.

" Hey Babe! " Riker approached us, " Hey Baby. " Vanessa says to him with a beautiful smile.. I'm the only single one in the Girl Squad, Oh, who are in the Girl Squad you say? Well it's me, Vanessa, Rydel and Raini.. Courtney isn't included, Rydel won't allow her to join she doesn't like Courtney.

" Laura! Is it alright if I go with Riker? " Vanessa asks me holding hands with Riker, " Of Course Ness. " I say smiling back while Riker and her walked away, " Look Laur, i gotta go with Ell.. Is it alright? " Well, i'm all alone now, " Sure Del. " I say with a fake smile. She skips along with Ellington.

Well, since no one is gonna talk to me I'm going to my room, as i walk up the stairs someone grabs my hand i turn around to see Ross, " Oh hi. " I say facing him with an annoyed face, " Why are you so grumpy today? " Wow, he doesn't notice at all, " Well Sir Lynch, I'm just really busy! Why don't you hang with Courtney? " I say yanking my hand away from his and walk outside my house..

I bet you he won't follow me, But, i was wrong. I felt him grab my hand, " Laur, i'm truly sorry if i don't make time for you. " He says with a sad face, " No Ross, it's not that. It's just that, i- i- i... " I stopped talking once he was staring at me, " If i'm forcing you to tell me, don't say it anymore. " He says understanding me, " No! It's just that, I-i like you a lot.. I never really told you because i know how much you love Courtney and i know that you would never like me becaus i'm all nerdy and i'm such an ugly dork and yo- " I got cut off by a pair of lips smashes into mine... Wow, i should ramble more.. He pulls away.

" You ramble alot Laur, " He says chuckling, " Yeah.. I just like you. " I say shyly and putting my head down, " I l-liked you too.. Ever since i met you, you are so beautiful and you always helped me when i had problems.. But when you ignored me for a week, i felt so alone and that you didn't like me at all.. So i dated Courtney so i could get over you! Apparently it didn't work.. I wish you ca- " I cut him off by kissing him.. He kisses back then we pull away.

" You ramble alot Shor, " I say chuckling. " You look really beautiful today Laur.. " He says shyly. " You look quite handsome yourself Shor.. " I say to him.. He just smiles at me, " Your gonna break up with Courtney Right? " I ask him, " Of course❤️ ". Then we kiss again.


Raura/ Auslly / Rydellington / Rinessa One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now