Secret, Secrets Revealed

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Isaac and Lydia arrive at Isaac's house. Lydia starts asking about Alison. She asks Isaac, "Can we go visit Alison? I need to see for myself if she is okay." Isaac frowns and says, "Lyd, I don't think its a good idea. Atleast not yet. She is hurt and she needs time to heal from the bite-i mean car accident." Isaac felt his stomach turn upside down, he hated lying to Lydia and he didn't mean to say bite. Lydia's eyebrows rose up and her mouth wide opened, she was in shock. Lydia dropped to the ground crying and screaming. Isaac fell with her trying to comfort her in his arms. She couldn't believe it...Her only best friend is dying from the bite of a werewolf. She wanted to kill whoever did that to Alison. She asked Isaac wiping her eyes on his shirt collar, "Who did it...Who bit her?" Isaac didn't want to tell her, but he didn't want to lie to her either. He looked at her and said, "Scott. Scott did." Lydia had an expression on her face that she was ready to kill him with her bare hands. Lydia got up and ran out the door and was about to get into her car until she saw Scott standing right in front of her with his puppy eyes looking depressed. Her eyes widened while she made a fist with her hands by her side. She wanted to punch him so badly but before she picked her fist up he said, "Lyd-Lydia its not my fault, okay? I had to...I had to do it." He began to cry. Isaac walked over towards him and gave him an "its okay" hug. Lydia unclenched her fists and walked over to the two sad pups and wrapped her arms around Scott's waist and whispered in his ear, "Just please tell me what happened. I need to know the truth." Scott looked at Isaac and Isaac nodded. Scott pulled away from Lydia holding her shoulders. He looked at her with deep sadness and sorrow, then replied, "You have to promise me Lydia that you won't get upset at anyone. Okay?" She looked down and then at Isaac then back to Scott and said, "I-I promise." He said to her quickly, "Alison and me were arguing about who should find the alpha. I wanted to go alone on a search with Isaac, Peter, Boyd, Erica, Cora and Derek. But Alison wanted to go with her and her father and his hunters and she didn't want me involved. So after that, the night we planned on searching for the Alpha, Alison showed up. I could tell she wasn't happy to see me but I wasn't either. She tried to tell me to go home and leave it to the hunters. But ofcorse I wasn't going to leave because I thought to myself the hunters don't stand a chance but us werewolves do. Right when I saw a glare of red eyes I ran towards it following it but before I knew it Chris Argent shot me in the leg. I tried to get up but I was in so much pain that I literally thought I was going to die. I knew I had to do something, so I got up with all the strength I had left and crawled over to Alison and she bent down and thats when I bit her. I bit her to not only get back at her dad but so she would learn what I go through of being a wolf and so we could be together. I know, I wasn't think fully. She might die if the bite doesn't heal. But I didn't think. I was so stupid. When i saw her fall to the ground holding her arm crying and breathing hard the last thing I saw before I fainted was the Alpha drag her with him. I couldn't believe it. She's gone. Forever. When I woke up I was still in the forest lying in the same position but I was somewhere else. It looked like an abandoned barn. But it was the Hale house. When I got up I noticed that my leg had healed, so I ran outside and saw Derek outside burrying something in front of his house I yelled to him asking what he was doing. He looked at me and told me to go home and get some rest. But I knew what he was doing. It was Alison. I fell to my knees screaming at the top of my lungs. Derek ran over trying to calm me down. When I finally caught my breath, I asked him what happened. He told me that the Alpha dragged Alison here and slit her throat in half not even giving her a chance to heal. Derek told me that he followed the Alpha here and watched him tear her apart. Derek felt horrible he said and the least he could do was to kill the Alpha. So right when he was faced to face with him he ran away but Derek wanted to run after him but he saw that Alison was still half alive he ran over to her while she tried to say to tell me that she was sorry and that she loved me. I couldn't listen to him any longer so I ran home. And then thats when you guys showed up and asked Derek about it. I am so sorry I put you guys through this. I am truely sorry." Scott starts to tear up and falls to his knees crying. Lydia bends down and tells him, "I know its not your fault, its okay, it will all be okay. I am so sorry Scott. I can't even believe how you must feel. I'm so so sorry." Scott gets up and hugs her and then pulls Isaac's sleeve and they all hug in the drive way. When they all settle down Scott thanks both of them for being such good friends and then runs off into the woods. Lydia and Isaac walk into the house. Lydia doesn't talk to Isaac all night and locks herself in his bedroom. He is forced to sleep on the couch crying himself asleep feeling like he did the wrong thing. The he heard a voice come from upstairs with his supernatural hearing...It was Lydia. He listened while she sang a sweet song. She sang in french,


Quand la lune se lève la nuit Les larmes remplissent mes yeux Je me sens un trou en moi J'ai l'impression que quelque chose manque Je me sens seul, je me sens triste Il fut un temps nous étions heureux et proche Maintenant, je veux que tu sois ici Je veux être à nouveau ensemble.


When moon rises at night

Tears fill my eyes

I feel a hole in me

I feel as  something missing

I feel lonely I feel sad

There was a time

We were happy and close

Now I want you to be here

I want to again be whole.*

Isaac gets up and walks up the stairs to the room and listens to her singing. He realizes something right before he tries to open the door, that he loves Lydia dearly and wants to marry her. He walks back down the stairs quietly and crawls back onto the couch and repeats "Lydia Martin, will you marry me?" Lydia, standing over the staircase, whispers, "Yes." without him knowing.

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