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An old friend, a shadow, a sense of self-doubt,
There's no one specific thing to worry about.

It holds onto you, like some old lover,
But your happiest when the torture is over.

When your heart ceases to race, no longer thudding.
It feels like finishing a race you don't remember running.

When your face is no longer flushed and white,
And you can finally tell them all "I'm alright."

Anxiety may seem like your only friend,
But as always the attack will come to an end.

Sometimes you feel so out of control of yourself,
Like a doll put away high on a shelf.

You're like a plaything to the attacks, a toy nothing more.
Something they would easily leave crumpled on the floor.

Anxiety is not an excuse for us to use,
Not something that we can pick or choose.

Anxiety may seem like it has control,
But you are the master in charge of it all.

Sometime you have to step up, not pace,
And you have to put anxiety back in it's place.

This is your life to live, your time is now,
Don't worry about when, why, or how.

Live your life as though nothing is wrong,
And accept everything that comes along.

Accept all of the good and accept all of the bad,
That way you'll look back on the memories you've had.

You don't want to look back and think "I missed out"
So do what you love now, scream and shout.

Don't live your life with a single regret,
Go and take that challenge, that dare, that bet.

Take risks and make some stupid mistakes,
Do whatever that you believe it takes.

To live a full life, happy from start to end,
You'll never know what's hiding just around the bend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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