For The Love Of Nicholas

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 "I'm his girlfriend."








It was about 6:00 when Lydia woke up. She sleep on the floor because after having many sleepovers with Alicia she would always move around. So instead of getting smacked in the face by Alicia she was on the floor. She tried to open her bag full of clothes as quietly as she could. She grabbed some shorts and a black shirt and a flannel. As she changed she thought Alicia woke up and stopped putting on her shorts. But it Alicia was only tossing and turning in her sleep.

Lydia continued to get dress and slipped on her shoes. She grabbed her plain navy blue back pack and headed for the door. But of course it would make a sound. Which did in fact wake Alicia Up. 

"Where the hell are you going?", She asked squinting her eyes.  

"I ummm have to pick something up.", Lydia replied. 

"Is that weed?", Alicia asked.

Lydia just sighed and nodded her head. Alicia just looked at her friend and sighed as well. 

"I'll see you at school. And I'll just tell my mom you left to go get breakfast.", Alicia said

"Thank you.", Lydia said as she turned around to leave.

Before she could close the door she heard Alicia.

"I wish you would stop."

Lydia just continued to walkout. She knows that Alicia is mad at her for doing drugs but Lydia can't help it. Alicia know it was Nick who got her started but Alicia thought it was easy to get off addiction. 

Lydia walked over to her black Jeep and unlocked it. She sat in her car for a minute looking at her grandparent's house. She put her key in and started the car. As she backed out and started to drive she saw the sun starting to rise. 

Making left in rights she started to play her music. 

Now it's three in the morning,
And I'm trying to change your mind,
Left you multiple missed calls
And to my message you reply.
Why'd you only call me when you're high?
Why'd you only call me when you're high?

Lydia started sing and got a text she looked down 

Lucas: Meet me outside the Pharmacy on Sunset St.

 Lydia locked her phone and locked up she stopped as quickly as she can as a crazed man ran in front of her.

"THE WORLD IS ENDING!", The man chanted.

Lydia stared at the old man with blood covering his shirt. She thought he was crazy. He has to be the world can't end. Nothing bad will happen.

Lydia Continued to drive trying to forget what had happened

Now it's three in the morning,
And I'm trying to change your mind,
Left you multiple missed calls
And to my message you reply.
Why'd you only call me when you're high?
Why'd you only call me when you're high?

She continued to sing but got another text

Lucas: Shit never mind cops are here I'll give it to you later.

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