I heard glass shatter.

Here we go again, I said to myself. I knew it wasn't over. The school bus crash was just the beginning of a series of events I had predicted. God liked to test me, he liked to put me into all of these tough and rough times.

I heard things being moved around.

Although I had a feeling the next bad thing was coming my way I wasn't prepared, I didn't tell my heart in advance to not speed up when this time came about. I didn't tell my body not to shake at the sound of men whispering in the room below mine. I didn't tell my legs not to run into my sisters room in the dark to keep her safe from the intruders in my house.

I grabbed my phone and closed Solange's door behind me as quietly as possible. All I was wearing was a basketball jersey and my underwear while I jogged over to her bed to wake her up.

"Solo" I whispered as I shook her. I spun my head around quickly at the sound of men walking up the stairs. One foot after the other. "Solo" I shook her a little faster and held back my tears, my hands were shaking too fast for me to actually call the police so when she awoke I grabbed her and pulled her into the closet telling her to shut up and listen. She gasped at the sound of people in our house before she let everything about her fall silent. A tall man stood in her room gazing around, his face was covered and he wore all black from head to toe. He walked around for a big and Solange tuned around to look at me with side eyes. I just stared back at her not sure of what to do and handed her my phone. I was sure she put it on silent and turned the brightness all the way down before messaging our parents telling them to call the police because intruders were in our home . she slid the phone into the pocket of her sweat pants and leaned back onto me carefully. She was much more calm than I was as she rested her hand on a baseball bat she kept in her closet 'Just in case' while I was panicking like crazy. Panting like a dog, sweating like a pig and shitting myself like a bitch I held on to her tight as we watched the man through the small slit of the closet doors.

His eyes locked onto mine.




Why did God do these things to me? I've been stabbed already, what now? Kidnapped? Rapped? What was this man going to do to me and my sister. Kill us? If he dare lay a finger on her I don't know what I'll do. I'd grab that bat myself and hit him until he doesn't move, I'd spit on him and then burn his body.

He panicked and grabbed anything he could as the sound of sirens made their way through out house from outside bringing relief between Solange and I. He pulled a gun out of his holster and aimed it at the closet we were in causing Solange to jump back in fear and I pushed my body in front of hers but before he got the chance to shoot he was being pinned down by the cops and we were being helped out safely. The cops said shit like, 'You're lucky we came when we did' and 'That was dangerous' as if we didn't already know that shit.

I had a feeling this wasn't the end of it, a night talking to the police about the men who broke into our home and what we saw wasn't the end. No. It was just stage two. It's funny how things just get worse as time goes on. First the bus and now this. What was next? What was waiting around the corner for me and why did none of this feel like the main even but instead the credits before a movie. Somehow I had managed to disconnect myself from this situation, I knew there was no use in getting emotional about it. I just had to suck it and take it on, I had to face whatever God was putting in my life, I had to face what was about to happen to me. Something big was going to happen, at least with bullying these things had some sort of explanation and prediction. I knew Shontelle hated me, I expected her and her friends to pick on me. But this? The bus crash was random, the break in was random and I was just a random girl. What was the link between all of these things? Why does it all happen? After we spent all that time at the station I had decided to call Jay again, he was so far away but I just wanted him to hold me. Let me know that things are gonna be fine because I was scared as hell. If this was all just the build up then what was coming? Why did my future seem so dark to me?

After facing a school filled with curious students and my group of supportive friends I had decided to stay at school for the last and final trial before the main battle. This was it and I could feel it, something was happening and this was the last hurdle before I crossed the finish line. Unfortunately crossing the finish line didn't mean winning. It meant I was going to be faced with my ultimate diamond, something that was going to crush me and brake me into a million pieces. Something that was going to cling to me and suck the life out of me, something that has been waiting to attack my whole life. Something there to take everything I have and spin it from gold to straw.

I sat in the science lab looking over the nots for the lesson I missed when the fire alarm went of.

"You know what" I chuckled to myself as I packed up my things in rage, "What was I expecting? Of Course there would be a fire! Of course I would be inside! Great, just fucking great" This time I wasn't scared. I didn't let myself get scared but I damn sure was angry this was all too much for two days. It was unrealistic bullshit but it happened. It was happening. I can't believe that my school is on fucking fire with me inside.

I pulled up my things and walked toward the door trying to get out as quickly as possible so I could just leave and go home. I pulled on the door and-


I pulled again.

It didn't budge.

I dropped my bag and placed both hand on the door and pulled.

Then pushed

Then pulled

Then cried

And pulled and pushed and pulled and pushed before pulling and pushing and pulling and pushing as hard and as fast as I could but nothing. I was stuck inside with the smoke quickly rising. I ran over to the windows but they didn't open far enough for me to get out and even if I did I was on the top floor it wasn't as if I could jump.

"What do you want from me!" I shouted into the air, "If you're going to kill me just do it already! I know about your silly little plan! I know you've got something for me give it to me!" I let my eyes shoot out tears in an angry range and continued to walk around the hot room. "Stop this torture! I'm sorry for whatever it is I've done! Just stop this! Get me out of here" I ran back over to the door and pulled again before searching the room for anything I could use to smash the door or window and nothing. "Am I going to get a disease? Or be shot or loose all my memory? will I no longer be able to walk or fail all of my classes?" I asked looking at at the smoke above me. I inhaled it and coughed loudly, " Will Jay leave me? Will I die? Will someone I know die?" I continued, "Just do it! I'm practically a bad luck charm, no one will be surprised" I cried more with a billion other words I wanted to throw out but I couldn't. I couldn't talk as I dropped to the floor unable to breath. My back still hurt from the day before but that didn't stop me. I crawled over to my bag and pulled out my phone but I was to weak. Coughing too much. Shaking too hard. What a fucked up life.

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