Chapter one

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Tell me if you think this is good and I should keep writing it :)


How come HE had to come into my life? I mean I was fine I was perfect I mean the strait guys dream yeah key word STRAIT. He has turned me to this this THING what is wrong with me....


  "Heyyyy honey!" Taylor called running up to me.

  "Oh hey," I replied smiling, "We gonna go catch the movie now?"

  "It's a chick flick and you still wanna see it?" she questioned with an odd look in her eyes.

  "You know all the hot chicks hang out at the chick flicks don’t you?" I said laughing slightly.

  "Oh ok fine we can go see it for you to scope out chicks," as she started to walk away "guess I'll just have to pick up a dude as well," she said that half smirk on her face.

  "Guess so even though most of them are gay or are being dragged there by their girlfriend," I retorted catching up with her, "and no I want to go because I know you wanted to go and I want to make you happy... oh and maybe get a little thank you afterwards," I say and start laughing.

  "You wont get anything if you keep up that attitude," she said with that I told you so look on her face "but you might because you amazing," she said wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing me softly.

  "I know I'm amazing," I said and kissed her.

  Our tongues were interlocked when I heard behind me, "Guys can we go to the movie now... PLEASE?". Oh great its Sarah she’s gonna ruin this AGAIN. She slowly slides away looks in my eyes then turns and says, "No were not going but you can now bye bye,"

  Sarah starts turns and skulks away. I turn to say thanks but before I could say anything I find her tongue back wrapped around mine and we continue as we were.


  I can't believe he dumped me. What did I do wrong? Did I do something wrong? Oh that doesn’t matter. What am I gonna do we had planned on going to a movie. Well I can still go to the movie.

  Ok the movie sucks and it has only just started that’s a bummer but there is this cute guy next to me he reminds me a lot of no no don't think of him not even his name. Wow he is cute the short black hair the nice brown eyes even though he's strait he's made this movie totally worth it...


  Ok who is this guy he is officially creeping me out I mean I can feel his eyes on the back of my head whenever I turn to kiss Taylor and... WAIT HIS HAND IS ON MY THIGH OK THIS IS OFFICALLY F***IN GAY.

  I casually lower my hand and brush his off my thigh I can tell without looking that he didn’t know his hand was on my thigh. I lean over and kiss Taylor again for the heck of it and there’s that feeling the feeling he’s watching creepy.


  Oh no my hand was on his thigh what does he think I can tell he was getting his point that he was strait but what does he think. This is horrible I can’t wait till this movie is over...


  "That movie was horrible," Taylor said as we exited the theater.

  "The movie wasn’t that bad the only bad part was a creepy dude sitting next to me and he tried to make a move on me?" I said shivering slightly

  "The movie was bad and you only said it wasn’t bad because we made out every kiss scene which was like every five minutes" she said laughing "oh and I saw that guy I saw him he was cute but definitely gay," and she frowned a little at that thought.

  "Well then!" I said wrapping my arm around her waist, "I guess him being gay was a plus," I said starting to laugh.

  "Yeah or I would've dumped your sorry butt right then and there," she retorted laughing.

  "Yeah..." I said slowly, "so do I get that present or not?" I said while nudging her shoulder.

  "Sure I don't se why not as long as your parents are fine with it," she said smiling at me.

  "I know we can make it work and they won’t mind," I replied and started grinning like an idiot.


  "Jesse what why are you calling me now?' I said grudgingly

  "I miss you Steeve and I want you back," Jesse said and I could imagine his big black eyes with that puppy dog look in them.

    No no this can't be happening he left me why would he want me back and why does he call now??

  "I know I've been a total jerk to you and I'm sorry I just really want to hold you again," Jesse said with a slightly sadder tone. He knew exactly what he wanted and what to say to get it.

  "Ok fine, where and when are we meeting?" I said trying not to show how excited I was.

  "How bout you let me in and then we will talk bout plans," the instant he finished that sentence there was a knocking at the door. I ran down the stairs almost falling I opened the door before I realized. Oh no I'm only in my boxers him looking so gorgeous and me in my boxers.

   "Hey you look wonderful," he said as he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek as if we have been dating forever. He dragged me inside shut the door and sat down at the table and asked "So where are we gonna go? Or do you want to stay here," and I started to laugh.

  "Well do you want to stay here?" 

  "That is exactly what I want to do," is what Jesse said as he picked me up and carried me off to bed.


Ok the ending was bad but what do you think should I keep writing?

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