Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sorry for the late update I've been busy with the play at school and right now I'm off stage doing this quickly .


Taylor's POV

I was again woken up by a pillow being thrown at my head and I growled frustrated.

" Alex, did you really-" I yelled but then stopped when I saw the same guy with long black hair combed back smirking at me. I sat there shocked. " Stalker." I mumbled and he chuckled.

"I call it ease dropping, but anyways did you make up your mind?" He asked and I kept glaring him.

" Go to hell." I told him harshly and he laughed at that.

" I did, but it wasn't my favorite vacation spot." He said looking around my room.What? I then felt my left side freeze and that guy looked at the stop on my left, wait does he see Alex? "Alex." The guy said and I looked to my left but saw nothing. Why can't I see him?

" Wait you can see him?" I asked and the guy just rolled his eyes.

" Nooo, I just randomly say Alex." He said sarcastically and I glared at him annoyed. " You know Alex, I see why you don't want to let her go-" But he stopped and kept looking a the spot to my left and then a minute later he laughed. "So did you make up your mind girl?" He then turned to me and I shook my head.

" Nope, and I'm just gonna say it, I don't want to be used for whatever evil plan you and your friends are doing." I told him plainly and he just kept staring at me.

" Very well, I guess we'll be stealing your life then." He said and he looked around my room.

" My life?" I asked confused and before he could answer my question, his disappeared in mid air. I got up and looked around my room but found him no where, I then sat down on my bed annoyed and mostly confused on what's going on. " Alex, what did he mean by my life?" I asked and I turned to my computer which turned on itself and this appeared,

' I can't say yet '

" Figures." I mumbled and I got up again and ready for school.


"Two days till your birthday Taylor!" My mom sang as we entered the kitchen and I gave her a annoyed look.

" Mom really?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes.

" Oh, can't you be excited." My mom said and I shrugged my shoulders. "So interested in any guys?" My mom asked. Oh god, not this again. I shook my head and then grabbed my books heading up to my room.

" Why does my mom have to be annoying." I said to myself as I headed upstairs to my room. I sat down in my desk chair and sighed, life for me is weird.

"Dame."I opened my eyes quickly and looked around. No one was in my room, who said ' dame' in a harsh voice then? I stood up and checked my closet just in case and I saw no one. I stood looking into my closet for a minute then I heard noises behind me and I turned around and saw the pillows on my bed on the floor and the air started to feel warmer then it was a minute ago.

"A-Alex?" I managed to say though I was scared on what's going on. The computer blinked on and I looked over at it,

'Please leave this room for ten minute'

"Why?" I asked confused and then another message came on,

'Please go I'll tell you later'

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