Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Alex's POV

Waking up, I slowly opened my eyes and the bright light stung my eyes.

" Man, what the heck?" I mumbled and I looked around and found myself still on the floor in Taylor's room. I sat up and looked around and saw Taylor laying in her bed on her side with the covers on her. I didn't see anyone else, what happened and where's Xander and who's the person who yelled 'NO' before I past out?? I got up and went over to Taylor and she was sleeping peacefully. Oh, I just want to wake her up and hug her.....wait is it the next day or is it still Sunday!? I looked over at Taylor's clock and it said it was 10:34 am, so now I just got to find out what day it is. I headed over to the computer and turned it on. I clicked on the Internet and it opened up and a news website came on and I looked at the right corner and it sat it was MONDAY! Wait but doesn't Taylor have to be in school!? I turned around and faced Taylor and she was still sleeping, were we both out for a whole day or was I?

After about a minute I decided to look around the house, and see if anything is out a place. I couldn't help myself but kiss Taylor gently on her cheek before heading downstairs sneaking around. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard talking? I followed the noise and looked into the living room spotting Taylor's parents and a lady maybe in her 30s, she had curly brown hair and blue eyes then she was wearing jeans and a leather jacket and a red t-shirt. I walked around the corner and stood at the doorway looking at her..........she looks familiar. After a minute I headed back upstairs, thinking. Danny must be at school, there's a familiar person downstairs, only four days till Taylor's Birthday, and it's going to be harder protecting Taylor.....and who the heck saved me when Xander attacked me yesterday?

Once I got back to Taylor's room, I sat down on the desk chair and relaxed. I just have to watch over Taylor very carefully for the next few days. I can't leave her sight, or Damien or Xander might try to get her again. I looked over at Taylor and she was still asleep, I wonder if she woke up at all or is she still out? I got up a minute later and went over to the bedside and looked down at Taylor. She looks so harmless why would anyone want to kidnap her. Well except for Xander or Damien they're not normal. Sighing I touched Taylor's cheek and she didn't stir. I guess she's st-

" Alex." She mumbled which made me smile. She turned onto her back and took a deep breath before relaxing. "Your a lier" I turned back to her seeing she was still asleep, why was she calling me a lier? "You can't be human." That's where I froze. No, she, I way does she know, what's going on?!

"Taylor?" I questioned and she stopped talking and I guess fell back asleep. What's going on with her, and no way can she know about that stuff. What's up with her REAL dreams lately, not the dreams where I'm sleeping by her, because those weren't dreams. I swear she just might find out everything from her real dreams, but that can't happen. Sighing I went over and sat down on the desk chair again.

" Taylor?" I looked up to see that lady I saw downstairs. Taylor stirred a bit and then opened her eyes looking around. She then sat up looking over at the lady confused.

"Um...yes?" Taylor asked and the lady smiled and pulled out a note pad from her bag, she then looked back up at Taylor.

" My name's Dr. Bloom and your parents want me to ask you some questions." She said sitting on the edge of Taylor's bed. Taylor looked over at her computer still confused and I sat there shocked. Her parents brought over a doctor of some sort to ask Taylor questions? You have to be kidding me! Taylor then looked shocked and angered.

" What kind of questions?" Taylor asked crossing her arms and Dr. Bloom just smiled.

" Who are Alex, Damien, and Xander?" Was her first question and I shook my head, NO you really have to be kidding me!

" I don't know." Taylor answered and Dr. Bloom sighed.

" Are they imaginary friends?"

" No" Taylor answered.

" Are they school friends?"

" No"

" A gang?"

" No"

" Pranksters?"

"NO, now can we move on?" Taylor asked annoyed and Dr. Bloom rolled here eyes.

" One more"

" Fine!"

" Ghosts?" Dr. Bloom asked and Taylor froze and shook her head slowly. " Taylor, now I know your lying. Don't think I see a kid sitting in your desk chair right now." Dr. Bloom said seriously and I looked over at her. She turned to me and glared at me. What no smile? I smiled at her unsure and she just rolled her eyes.

" I don't see anyone, you might be imagining." Taylor said and Dr. Bloom sighed shaking her head.

" Taylor, my dear I'm a actual ghost hunter and I know when I see one." Dr. Bloom said and she turned to me. I shifted uncomfortably in the chair. " What's your name?"

" And why should I tell you?" I asked crossing my arms and she looked down at her note pad.

" Because your a ghost and I need to record you." She answered and I rolled my eyes.

" Well Miss hate to burst your bubble but I'm not a ghost." I told her and she looked up at me from her note pad." And I would tell you what I am but I can't tell you in till after my dead line."

" What's your name at least?" She asked and I sighed.

" Alex." I answered plainly and she wrote something down in her note pad.

" Well then Alex may I ask you why your here?" She asked and Taylor looked confused because she couldn't hear anything I was saying.

" He's going to give you the same answer I've been getting for years now." Taylor finally spoke and I nodded my head.

" And what would that be?" She asked turning to Taylor.

" Reasons." Taylor said putting air quotes around it. Dr. Bloom nodded her head writing it down and then she looked at her watch. She stood up placing her note pad back in her bag and looked over at me.

" Don't worry I wouldn't be telling anyone about this Alex but I must know do you remember your last name?" She asked and I thought for a second. I can't believe she asked me that, but sadly I don't remember or I think I don't have one. I looked up at her and shook my head, she nodded her's and left.

Once she left Taylor flopped back in bed and exhaled a deep breath. I chuckled quietly even though she can't really hear me.

" Alex, I had another weird dream......and well I can't explain it was so confusing." She stopped and sighed closing her eyes. " A normal life that's all I want." She changed and I sighed running my hand through my hair. "Alex? Are you ever going to tell me everything?" She asked a few minutes later and she turned her head so she was looking at the computer. I looked over at it and had something appear,

' Maybe.'


My Ghostly FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora