Realization - III

Start from the beginning

"I love you, too."

The sun was on the verge of hiding beneath the horizon when Eli returned, and the first thing he noticed was another black painted coach in the crescent path in front of the manor. A slumped man in a tall hat and dark clothing was sitting up at the front with the horse reigns in his hands, but no one seemed to be getting out from the rear. Eli descended from the small steps of his own coach and started up to the door.

The butler who'd accompanied him opened the door for them both and let him enter first. At the bottom of the stairs in the foyer stood a towering man with light auburn hair and a clean-cut face. He wore a pressed tan suit with white cuffs and shiny brown shoes. Beside him was a graceful-looking woman in a rose-pink gown and she had blonde curls tumbling down her thin shoulders. The man, whom Eli expected was the Young Master's father, gave Eli a stink eye and then addressed the butler, "Samuel, does this belong to Jasper?"

Eli held back from making a face of displeasure after being referred to as a something rather than a human being, but he was sure to keep his comments to himself lest he be thrown right out.

"Yes, Master Ronald," Samuel, the butler, answered. "He is here to take my place."

Master Ronald huffed a small laugh, "I'm sure you must be overcome with joy now that you will not have to serve under my son any longer." There was a pause of silence so definite, it made Eli's ears ring, and the invisible tension in the vicinity seemed to thicken. "It's alright, Samuel, we all know how Jasper is..."

This bothered Eli. So, he was Samuel's replacement? And with the way the Young Master's own father spoke of him, Eli could only imagine why Samuel would be ecstatic that someone else was taking over his occupation. Without another word, Samuel nodded for Eli to follow as they ascended the curved stairwell. He heard the subtle laughter of Master Ronald and his wife, but nothing was uttered loud enough for him to perceive.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor, Samuel led Eli to a room at the very end. His personal bedroom. The walls were a night sky blue. Tall dark wood shelves were empty, and a large king sized canopy bed was pressed to the north wall with fresh black and blue sheets, and there were two lanterns atop the nightstands on either side. There were so many pillows, Eli wasn't sure which one he was supposed to use. Tall windows adorned white curtains, and a large circular Persian rug centered the dark blue carpeted floor. It all seemed so overwhelming. He almost felt bad for being able to live in such luxury, while his family remained in the current conditions of Brimonhive.

Samuel crossed the room to a lofty wardrobe, pulling out clean clothing and laid it out at the foot of the large bed. "Given the convenience the Young Master prefers to keep with his personal servant, you will not be rooming in the main servant's quarters at the rear of the property. Instead, this will be your chamber." He gestured to a bell that dangled beside the bed, and Eli noticed how it was attached to a thin rod that went up through the ceiling overhead. "During the day, you are to remain at the Young Master's side at all times, and at night, if ever he needs something, this bell will be rung to wake you to complete the task. Now, water has been prepared for you in the bathroom," he gestured to a second door across from the bed. "Bathe swiftly, then dress in the uniform I placed out, and I will inform the Young Master you are here. Hurry and ready yourself."

After he was cleaned from the day, pleased to having been able to use hot water and a flowery fragranced soap, Eli was standing buck-naked in the middle of the bedroom. Being as tall as he was, he hoped the clothes Samuel put out for him were big enough. It was a charming butler's uniform and he put it on. The coat was a bit tight at the shoulders and the white gloves were almost the right size, but other than that, everything fit just fine.

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