Bill's Back

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🌟Dipper's POV:
"Dipper! Oh thank goodness your here! I need your help!" Great uncle Ford said
"What is it Uncle Ford?" I asked
"I'm not sure, but I know if anyone can help me with this its you.."
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Look I'll be straight forward..." Great uncle Ford leaned close to me, like he was about to tell me a big government secret. "I think Bill's back" he said, and jaw hit the floor.

I sighed and sat on the roof of the Mystery Shack, it was dark, and the sky was full of stars. I laid back and looked up at the constellations. I tried to clear my mind, by naming the ones I could spot. Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Leo, the Lion. Canis Major, the Great Dog. This keeps me busy for a while, but it's not easy clearing your head when you know of the possibility that a certain Dream Demon could looking for you right now. If Bill Cipher is back, he'll come for me first. Great Uncle Ford said that he's mostly been waiting for Mabel and I to come back to Gravity Falls, he's plan is probably to get each threat to his powers in place and destroy them. That would mean Mabel, Uncle Ford, Gruncle Stan, Wendy, Soos, Robbie, Gideon, Pacifica, McGucket and myself. I let my thoughts wonder, as I stared up at the sky. Until I heard a familiar voice.
"Hey Pine Tree" I jumped, No! no no no only he calls me that...
"B-Bill?!" I stuttered
I heard him laugh, he sounded a little different, but I didn't see him. "Where are you?! Show yourself" I demanded.
I heard Bill laugh again. "Someone's excited to see me again" he said
"Oh shut up! Where are you?!" I asked pointing my gun all around, waiting for him to pop out somewhere. I was prepared to shoot him right in the eye.
"Hey hey hey let's not be hasty Pine Tree... That's no way to greet an old friend" Bill said sounding amused, again there's something different about his voice, it's sounds.. Almost... Human.
"Your no friend of mine Bill.. Now come out! And explain how your still here, we got rid of you for good.. How'd you bend the rules this time..? What do you want?!" I shouted
"Pine Tree, Pine Tree, Pine Tree..." Bill hummed, "So many questions, Can't I just come back to see you, without a reason.. I missed you"
"Bill!!! Show yourself!!!" I demanded
Bill sighed "Fine! But first do me a favor..."
"Maybe.." I said
"Put the gun down..." Bill asked
My hands shook, this was probably a really bad idea... But I put the gun down my feet "It's down.." I said
"No one last thing..." Bill said
"Come down off the roof" he said
"What why?" I asked looking around
"Just trust me.."
"Your the last creature I would ever trust.. You even said yourself not to trust you.. Or anyone" I reminded him.
"Fair enough.." Bill said sounding amused.. "But if you want me to come out.. Get off the roof.." He said
I sighed, and slide down the side of the Mystery Shack.. "Aright fine I'm off the roof.. Now come out and start explaining!"
Bill laughed, "Alright, don't freak out" he said, the bushes started to move and, and from them emerged a tall man, with yellow hair and bright glowing yellow eyes.
My jaw hit the ground, I gaped at him "Y-Yo..Your....H-Human.." I stuttered
"Last time I checked.." Bill said
"B-but.. How why.. WHAT?!?!" I couldn't find the words. How did he become human, why, what is this trick, what is his plan? I had so many questions. But the biggest one was, Why was I suddenly so interested in Bill?

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