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Jeorge was awake earlier than usual. He couldn't wait for the bus to come get him to meet Bond. Bond was the typical teenager. He had blonde hair with blue eyes tall and very handsome. He was a guy of many features and could of easily turned heads. That was never his intention because of his mean attitude he turns away people faster than anything.

He was also involved in drug activity. He was one of the leading members in the street gang and now Jeorge's best friend. They met three weeks prior when a guy was bullying Jeorge for his lunch money, bullying has always been an aspect of Jeorge's life ever since kindergarden because of his silence he was always a easy target.

Bond was the one who stepped in and man handled the boy to give Jeorge his money back. After that say at lunch, they hung out with each other every chance they got. Getting to know each other better and becoming best friends since.

Later on after school Bond invited Jeorge to his house where he and his other street friends hung out. Jeorge didn't want to go but Bond started to provoke on what a whimp he was, and how he didn't know how to have fun. Jeorge decided to prove him wrong. He quickly got into Bond's BMW that was parked outside the school waiting. It is a regular thing that Bond would get someone to drop his car at school everyday after school.

They got out of the car and entered the house. Jeorge was dumbfounded with the house that Bond lives in all by himself. Bond told him his father is never in town so basically the house is his, it was enormous for one person to live in.

Jeorge gently rest his bag on the floor next to and before he was able to have a seat two guys was already tackling him to the ground. Jeorge was lost for words.

They were beating on him mercilessly, Jeorge was unable to move or do anything. He glimpsed Bond just standing there watching as his friends beat on him. Jeorge tried calling out to him for help but all Bond did was look away and whisper he was sorry.

When Jeorge thought it was all over, they dragged him into an enclosed room and started stripping him of his clothes, memories flooded his brain back to when his dad used to abuse him as they did now.

He was helpless, no one to help him and before he knew it he was passed out on the floor.

Jeorge was awake the next morning battered, unable to move a muscle in his body. He was now in his backyard. He tried with all his strength and dragged himself to his room. His aunt was still sleeping, as he entered his room. He dropped in front of his door unable to move from that spot.

His aunt passed at least three times knocking on the door for him to go to school, but he refused to attend school.

He laid in bed a week later, reminising on the incident that happened at Bond's house, all his hurt turned into anger and rage. He knew from that moment on what he had to do.


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