“Great. You?” Tori asked. “We miss you around the apartment. You coming home tonight or is the mystery guy stealing you?”

“Mystery guy?” Louis asked, now becoming more interested in our conversation.

“Yeah Kellie has been sneaking around with some guy. She won’t spill anything other than she is having fun with him” Tori added.

“Where did you meet this mystery guy? Is he on the soccer team?”

I shook my head no. “He doesn’t go here. He goes to USC. If we become something more I will introduce you. I promise” I smiled.

“Fine” Tori growled. “Dana and I were going to have a wine night tonight. Just relax and forget about classes. Please tell me you’ll be home.”

“I should be. I have to go meet N-, mystery guy first then I’ll be home.”
“Hmm, N?” Tori asked suspiciously. “Nick?”

“No Tor. And I’m not telling you either.”
“Nate? Neil?” I shook my head and laughed at her attempts to guess his name. Thankfully I didn’t say anything further. How many Niall’s are there really?

“I have to get my next class. I’ll see you tonight.” I gave her a hug and said goodbye to Louis who was know too invested in his phone to even notice I was leaving.

When I got out the shower it was almost eight. I told Niall I would be there around 8:30. He’s seen me at my fashion low points in high school. I didn’t bother to get too dressed up for him since we weren’t going out anywhere. Or at least I hoped. I really wanted to come back and spend time with my roommates. I missed them and I needed some girl time.

When I was done getting ready I walked out to my car and started driving to his apartment. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Harry. “Hey kiddo. Haven’t seen you in a while” he smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

“Harry. You live here now?”

“He can’t live without me” Niall joked and pulled me away from Harry. “He was just leaving.” Harry kissed me cheek before leaving the house. Niall led us to the couch, his lips instantly crashing on mine.

“Niall, wait” I said pushing him back. “What’s the surprise?” I asked him.

He groaned and stood up from the couch. “I made us dessert.” He lifted the cover on the plate to reveal a double chocolate cake topped with strawberries. I was in heaven. It was my favorite and it looked delicious. Screw the diet the coach wants us to follow.

Niall grabbed us two forks and we dug in, not bothering to cut our own slices. “That’s what I love about you Kellie” he said, chuckling lightly.

“What?” I asked in between bites.

“You are not afraid to be you.”

“Well thanks.” It was silent for the next few minutes as we both took a few more stabs at the delicious cake. His phone buzzed on the table. It wasn’t intentional but I looked over at it. A message from Victoria popped up on the screen. I saw it before he had the chance to hide it from me. I wouldn’t have been mad but what she sent had my blood boiling.

I threw my fork down on the table, angry now that I drove all the way over here when I could have been having a fun night with my roommates. I stood up and slammed the chair back against the table.

“Where are you going?” he groaned. I ignored his question and stomped my feet towards the door. “Kellie!” he yelled after me. “That was nothing.”

“Nothing? She sent you a half naked picture asking you to come over. That is not nothing Niall” I shouted back at him. Yeah, I’ve done that in the past to him but he wasn’t seeing someone. Wait, were we seeing each other? This just adds to my doubts. Maybe all he wants is a fun time and sex and clearly he is getting enough of that from Victoria. He didn’t sleep with her, my ass.

Consequences (Breaking All the Rules Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz