Chapter Two: Totally Unprepared

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Katy answered the phone with the greetings everyone gives, nowadays:

"What's up?"

But no one answered. All she heard was a click and then a dial tone. She was slightly suspicious, but she shrugged it off, thinking to herself: it was most likely a wrong number. She checked her phone just to see who's number it was, but saw "unknown". She hated when that happened. Katy didn't even know why she didn't check her phone before answering it to begin with.

She entered her car and started driving home. She turned on the radio just to hear some music, but instead, there was static. She assumed she must be in some area where the signal's bad, so when she came to a red light, she put a disc into the CD player. When a song she was familiar with came on, she sang along. Practically all songs were familiar to her, so she had a lot to sing along to and keep her occupied, while concentrating on the road.

One song hit her so hard, she started crying. Every time she heard that song, tears came tumbling down. This time was no different.

As the song progressed, so did her tears. Before she knew it, she crashed into another car and her face fell forward. She couldn't see where she was going, so when she crashed into the other car, she was supposed to be stopping for the red light. Instead, she crashed into a car.

She fell unconscious, but heard tidbits of conversations.

Meanwhile, the driver in the car she crashed into was fine. He was a caring man, so he went to see the damage that was done and noticed the girl in the front seat, since her head was near the windshield. He went to ask her what happened, but she didn't respond. Right away, he called an ambulance.

"What's your emergency?" they asked.

"Uh, I... she..." he responded.

"Where are you, sir?" they asked.

"Corner of 68th and 75th,"

"An ambulance will be there shortly."

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