Chapter one

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1992 Springwood, Illinois

             Reva Calder POV
       I was a tad early walking to the bus stop. A white van caught my eye and I recognized it as the school's janitor, Fred Krueger. I'd seen him around school doing various clean up duties or gardening jobs. Going out of his way sometimes to help when a kid's locker got stuck or if they forgot something, he'd take it to them. Fred seemed like a nice guy. Seemed being the operative word. I was about to walk past when he leaned out of the open window. "Hey, Reva, right?", he asked dragging on a cigarette.
       " Yeah. Are you alright? Is there something wrong with your van?, I asked.   "No, just finishing my cigarette. My wife hates it when I smoke at home. So this is the only time I can do this. Did you want a ride to school?", he smiled. " No,thanks anyway. See you there. Bye.", I waved as I continued on. I hefted my backpack up more and felt eyes on me. I turned briefly only to see him wave back. "Creepy.", I muttered.

Freddy Krueger POV

       Damn, if she didn't wear those tight Guess jeans again. I reached down and readjusted myself. It seems to me that over the years Reva's gotten more desirable to me. I tried once before when she a girl to have her but my plans fell through when she got extremely ill and ended up hospitalized. I guess somehow I'd forgotten her until I came across her in highschool. She was just ripe for the picking, perfect for me.  I watched as she walked past me her rounded ass swaying to and fro teasing me. I was gonna grab her this morning but she caught me off guard. It'd have to be this afternoon. This was gonna be fun. Maybe I'd keep her. She's small like a little girl but clearly built like a woman. I don't remember when my preferences changed but right now it didn't matter. I licked my lips, savoring the scent she left behind. Flowers and vanilla. The movement of the hands on my watch reminded I couldn't afford to be late." Crap!",pushing any thoughts of her aside, I put my van in gear and drove to school.

   Reva POV

        Ms. Carson sent me to the janitor's office after Anna Myers puked in the cafeteria. For the umpteenth time, Anna puked, turning me into the errand girl. I found Fred Krueger sitting in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk. I knocked, startling him. "Sorry to bother you but Anna puked again and Ms. Carson needs you to clean it up.", I stated. I avoided eye contact, as I was about to turn back, he stopped me," Thanks, Reva. Wait up, I'll walk with you.", he smiled oddly. I felt an inward shudder but suppressed it not wanting to be rude. "So what are you doing this summer?", Fred asked.  " Touring the country. I suppose you'll be busy.", I kept a good two feet between us. It wasn't that he was hideous, quite the opposite but it was his personality and the creep factor that kept me on guard.  We made it to the cafeteria before long, I sighed and wandered back to my seat to gather my books when my best friend, Misty pretended to gag using her finger.  "How can you stand that freak?", she asked getting up too.

        " Try not to think about it. Don't make eye contact.", I muttered before passing by him. He nodded but I could see he was practically drooling. "Have a good day, ladies!", he sweetly drawled out. " Yeah, you too.", I mentally kicked myself for replying but that's probably what he wanted. Misty rolled her eyes and pulled me away to English.  Mr. Clements was droning on about some story in my opinion was totally boring and not worth my time. "Is there a problem, Ms. Calder? Am I boring you?", he crossed his arms and squinted in anger. " Sir, no disrespect but Old Man and the Sea is one of the most useless stories. What's the point? I read this in eighth grade and it was stupid then and it hasn't changed. It's not like he'll get the fish home in one piece the second time around.", I challenged. "Thank you for the insight. But since you know so well how it ends, I want you to write a six page essay on the importance of literature and it's significance in history. I want in by Monday. The rest of you finish the book and do the worksheet assigned. Ms. Calder, go to the front office and wait for me. I'm tired of your insubordination!", he whipped the door open. As I was leaving, the entire class applauded me. I turned and bowed. " I'm here all week!", I laughed as I walked out.

   Freddy POV

         I was walking by Mr. Clements' room when I heard Reva telling the old geezer off. I chuckled, that's my girl, I thought. He tore open the door and stepped aside when Reva walked out but not before bowing to the class and saying, "I'm here all week!". She walked to the principal's office laughing to herself.  My urges to conquer her is getting stronger.  I'm not getting the loving I want from Loretta. She's been holding out on me. Says she's not trying to push me away but I can honestly feel her fear of me. Maybe punching her in the face had something to do with it. Reva's a woman but hasn't quite let go of the girlishness in her. I can see it when she skipped a bit down the hall. A little hitch in her step. I know she's a good girl not like those sluts roaming the hallways now. She'll be good, I can almost taste her innocence. I had to force myself to keep going. Maybe I should've dragged her ass to my office and have a little fun with her.  Closing my eyes, I pushed the wheeled garbage bin back to my office.

       Reva POV

            Mr. Keller smirked and shook his head when I told him what happened. " He's an old cur, ain't got nothing better to do than annoy people. Behave, Reva. Just do the assignment and turn it in. You've got twenty minutes left in class, why don't you go to the library until your next class." Mr,. Keller gave me a hall pass. "It's such a dumb book. I'm sorry. I'd rather read a book that makes more sense.", I stood up and headed to the library.  Ms. Lovejoy smiled when I passed by. I found what I was looking for and pulled out a copy of Jane Eyre. I sat down at an empty table and passed the time until my last class.  Ms. Lovejoy checked the book out and said goodbye.

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