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First Day Jitters

Katalin's POV:

Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. That's all that rang in my head, like a mantra said by a cult, or the military maybe. Over and over and over. It was frustrating, really. I slammed my spare pillow over my head, trying to drown out the loud sound. Unfortunately, I knew it wouldn't last. The bed rocked under me as something crawled up my bed, but fear didn't fill me, like those horror movies. Joy lit up inside of me as a tiny hand laid itself on my arm, shaking it. Attached to that hand was an arm, attached to that arm was a body, the body of my whole world. Brodie.

I opened one eye very slowly, my pupil adjusting to the rays of sunshine that filled my room. Almost immediately, my other eye opened, and they both found a tiny little human whose wide and innocent blue eyes looked back at my own pair, which were slightly less innocent after seeing the world as it truly is made out to be. Nonetheless, my arms found their way around the small body as I launched him into the air and down next to me, our giggles filling the room in unison, becoming one until we could giggle no more, and then all that was heard was panting as we tried to catch our breath. Brodie seemed to have grasped onto the surrounding air very quickly, as he sat up, smiling widely. "Mommy! It's our first day of school!" He exclaimed.

I was going into my senior year of high school, and Brodie was going into his first year of preschool. Whereas he was very excited, I was dreading getting out of bed, but eventually I knew that I would have to. Peeling back the covers was a struggle in itself, and rolling out of bed and onto the floor was even worse. A groan slipped past my lips as I slowly pulled myself up, using the bed as support. Once my legs decided to actually use themselves, I could release my clutch on the bed sheets.

Brodie hopped like a bunny off the bed, landing on his feet. He squealed looking up at me brightly. "Mommy!" He shouted, " I'm like Spiderman, whish whish!!" He held his hand out like Spider Man does, his eyes closed as he most likely imagined climbing up the wall like his favorite superhero. I grabbed him from behind, swinging him up into my arms with a sinister grin. "If you're Spiderman, Peter Parker," I paused watching him light up when I called him that, "Does that make me.. Green Goblin?" I chuckled in a fake evil laugh, my arms becoming a cage around his small body.

He gasped, his eyes widening in fear before he realized it was just a game. I tickled his side lightly, breaking character. "Time to get ready." I whispered to him sadly. He became forlorn for only a fraction of a second, before he jumped out of my arms. "Coooooooooool!!!!!!!" He yelled, waving his arms wildly as he barreled down the hallway.

Third Person POV

After getting ready, the two sure did look like a pair. Brodie was jumping around, finally dressed appropriately in a Spiderman t-shirt and a nicer pair of jeans. His feathery blonde hair was flattened down, it's usual wacky appearance tamed for once. It took a few tries for Katalin to convince him to wear actual clothes, and not his pajamas and a cape, but she finally figured out how when she promised him ice cream after dinner that night.

Katalin on the other hand was a sight to see, and Brodie knew it was he called her pretty on multiple occasions. Her hair was straightened and her bangs were pinned back, as the wild and untamed hair that Brodie adorned had been passed on from her. She wore a white crop top with a black bow on the front, her arms covered with a maroon cardigan. Her jeans were high waisted and black, ripped in the knees and thighs.

She walked outside to her car, strapping Brodie into his carseat when she opened the door. She got into her side, sliding her sunglasses onto her face to block the sun from her eyes before she carefully pulled out of the driveway, heading towards the Young Minds Center, where Brodie would spend eight hours of his day, five days a week.


Katalin walked into the building with Brodie hanging off her by the hand, and almost immediately, her nose was bombarded with the smells of fresh bread and bacon. She smiled, knowing that the money it took to send her flesh and blood here would be worth it, and she was only reassured of that fact when a warm looking woman, presumably the director of the program, bounced her way over with a dimpled smile on her face. 

"Hiya! I'm Barbara, the manager of this fine establishment. I'm assuming that this little guy is Brodie," she paused, crouching down to reach Brodie's eye level, "You are such a scrumptious little pumpkin, arentcha?" She pinched his cheek, a blush forming on the little man's cheek. "You can call me Barb, or Ms. B, if that suits ya better!" Katalin realized after a moment that Barbara had an interesting accent, one that you would assign to a housewife who bakes gingersnaps and cares for her bundles of joy all day. Katalin realized that that was what Barbara does on a daily basis, just more professional and she obviously makes money.

"O-Okay Ms. B." Brodie smiled up at her. He looked back to Katalin, his eyes lit up like Fourth of July fireworks. "Mommy I'm ready for my day." He exclaimed. Katalin crouched down to Brodie's height as Barbara raised herself up, distancing herself from the family moment. "Okay sweetheart, just remember, make friends, be nice, and do not, I repeat, do not miss me too much." She smiled sadly, her eyes watering a little. From joy or from sadness, she did not know, but all she knew is that she was sad her little baby was growing up. "Gimmie a hug." Brodie complied, his tiny arms wrapped around her neck tightly. "You don't miss me too much mommy." He warned, a smile on his face. "I'll see you later."

Katalin stood up, her wiping her eyes quickly. "I will, don't worry." She smiled widely. "Go make friends." Brodie followed her directions, running towards a girl who was sliding down the indoor slide. The little girl whipped her head around, her fiery orange hair following in spirals. Katalin watched as her little boy held his hand out to the girl, and she chuckled as the little girl attacked Brodie in a hug before they raced to the slide.

Katalin turned to Barbara again. "I guess I'll see you at 4." She smiled, before turning away.

Katalin got into her car, sighing loudly while she leaned back in her seat. She ran her fingers through her hair, and she closed her eyes. After she had composed herself, her eyes fluttered open, and she drove to school, and after a moment her pale complexion became void of emotions.

I'm actually super stoked to be writing this again.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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